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Sign Up for Our Budget Summit Meeting: Tomorrow at 7PM on Zoom

This is to remind you of the important Budget Summit meeting we’re having tomorrow (Thursday) at 7 PM on zoom.

Mayor Kenney has proposed his Operating Budget for FY 2022 and now it's City Council's turn to decide whether it agrees with the Mayor’s priorities about how to raise and spend City funds. It's also our time to let both the Mayor and Council know what our priorities are before Council makes final decisions next month.

For many of us budgets and numbers generally make our eyes glaze over. But this is important stuff for everyone who cares about housing, education, the environment, income inequality and Philly’s overall quality of life. These causes can all be helped or harmed - a lot - by the choices about to be made.

We intend to be heard on our priorities. But first we need to educate ourselves on what’s in, and what’s out, in the Mayor’s proposal. That’s what we’ll take a deep dive into tomorrow, along with prepping our response.

This work starts tomorrow, Thursday, May 27th at 7PM.

Here is our Agenda:

  • We will start with an Icebreaker Question: Name one thing you did that was different or fun during this pandemic.

  • We'll review the Mayor's budget, to see how it aligns (or not) with our priorities.

  • Then we will look at our five year vision for a better City, looking at a number of big policy areas and trying to decide what specific things we want to get accomplished.

  • We'll take a look at other revenue streams that will be able to fund our priorities.

  • We'll go into breakout rooms to talk about what we want to get accomplished - both in this year's budget and in the long-run.

  • We'll end the breakout with everyone taking a short survey on those issues.

  • We'll come back as a big group and talk about those things that stood out.

  • We'll finish with our next steps, including a Media Blitz and a Rally at the Chamber of Commerce.

This will be a fun and enlightening meeting that will become even better with your participation. Please click below to join us, to help us craft a fair and just budget.

Thanks for your activism!

Tim Brown, Organizing Director

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