This is an update on the battle taking place right now in City Council over the new budget; specifically, the vote on whether to move those tax giveaways to the rich out of committee. Council President Darrell Clarke wanted to wrap up work on this today.
Then City Council got Blitzed - PNN members and our allies bombarded the mayor and City Council with calls, emails, Tweets and posts calling for changes to the mayor's proposed budget and an elimination of those tax breaks.
The Good News: The vote has been delayed until Thursday. That means we've been SUCCESSFUL IN DELAYING Clarke from rubber-stamping a budget that falls far short of its potential.
To those of you who have already made your calls - great work, folks!
This blitz gave support to our allies on Council, and it provided encouragement to other Councilmembers to buck the mayor and his powerful friends and do right by the people of Philadelphia.
Budget Blitz: Two More Days...
We still have time to shape the mayor's proposed budget - especially, fighting against the tax cuts that only benefit the wealthy - and we do that by getting more allies in City Council.
Every call we make and email we send gets us closer winning the battle to defeat this short-sighted legislation, but we must keep up the pressure today and Wednesday.
If you haven't yet taken part in our budget media blitz, I encourage you to click on the link and take a look at what's you're being asked to do.
I have provided you with a Budget Blitz Toolkit. It contains a brief overview of our objectives and tactics, an overview of our demands, and scripts and sample copy for your phone calls and emails, your posts and tweets (when applicable).
As always, thanks so much for your activism. When the politicians hear about our calls and emails from their staff, when they see us on their media feeds, they are reminded that we're watching them.
Thanks for your help!
Tim Brown
p.s. If you need something or have a question, call me at 610-659-9010