PNN’s mission is to engage, educate and empower our neighbors to make our City a better place to live. Here’s what’s coming up in each of these areas:
Engage: Movie Night at Belfield Rec Center, Sep 17th Special Election
Educate: Do Your Part This Election!
Empower: No Arena in Chinatown March

Ready to Do Your Part to Elect Kamala Harris?
Mid-August thru Election Day, in Mt Airy/Germantown
Sign up to canvass in Wards 22 and 59 (and elsewhere) starting mid-August - to talk with voters (particularly, low-turnout) about Kamala Harris' record and plans for the future, the nefarious plans of Trump/Vance and the GOP's Project 2025, and why their vote can make the difference. If Philly has a big turnout, we win Pennsylvania.
If you'd like to help this summer, whether it's buddy canvassing, postcards, voter registration, or make phone calls, please click below to let us know.
No Arena in Chinatown March
Saturday, September 7, 1PM, City Hall
Join our friends from Asian Americans United, Asian Pacific Islander Political Alliance and allies on the north side of City Hall for a rally and march. The goal is to keep up the pressure on the mayor and City Council to stop the proposed building of the Sixers arena in the middle of one of the city's oldest immigrant neighborhoods. The monied elite think they can wait us out and that this alliance of neighbors will falter, but we know if we keep pushing we can stop this from happening and save Chinatown. See you there.
Movie Night at Belfield Rec Center
Friday, September 13th, 4PM, 2109 W Chew Ave, Ball Field
Belfield Advisory Council is hosting a Movie Night fundraiser on Friday, September 13th, featuring the movie "Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire". The events opens at 4PM and the movie will start at 6PM. This special fundraising event is designed to bring our community together for an engaging outdoor movie screening while raising awareness about gun violence reduction. It's a wonderful opportunity to connect with residents while supporting a critical cause. Bring a blanket to sit on!
Special Election for Andre Carroll
Tuesday, September 17th , All Day, HD 201 Polling Places
PNN member Andre Carroll will be running in a Special Election to fill the vacancy left by retiring State Representative Stephen Kinsey. Carroll is endorsed by PNN and our allies to represent us in House District 201, which covers all of Wards 17 and 59, plus Ward 10: Divisions 6, 16, 18-22, 26, 27, and Ward 12: Divisions 1-7, 9, 10, 12-16, 22, 23.
If you're not sure you live in this district, then click on Where's My Polling Place? and enter your address in the map. You can also vote by mail. If you have a question about this, then call the City Commissioners at 215-686-3462.
This Week in History
Sep 15, 1963 – Birmingham Four. On this day, 16th Street Baptist Church was bombed by four known Klansmen, murdering four black girls who were practicing for choir. The site remains a rallying place for Civil Rights.
Sep 17, 2011 – Occupy Wall Street. The protest started when citizens "Occupied" Zuccotti Park in NYC's Financial District to protest against how the poor and wealthy are treated differently in society. It captured the zeitgeist of the moment and Occupy encampments spread across the nation.
Thanks for your activism!
Tim Brown, Organizing Director