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PNN Newsletter: Ready to Fight for Your Rights?, Housing Call with Nikil Saval, Save the Townhomes R

PNN’s mission is to engage, educate and empower. Here’s what’s coming up in each of these areas:

  • Engage: Canvass this Summer to Fight the Right; We Respond to Kenny on Public Bank

  • Educate: Housing Meeting on Whole Home Repair; Abortion Rights - What's Next?

  • Empower: Save University City Townhomes Rally & March

Read on to find out the when, where, and how.

Ready to Fights for Your Rights?

We knew it was coming, but it shocks nonetheless. A woman's autonomy over her body has been cast aside as a fundamental right, allowing Republican-dominated states to impose draconian restrictions and punishments for anyone involved with an abortion.

And now the wall between the state and religion has been knocked down to allow adults in positions of authority to inculcate students with their personal religious beliefs.

And let's not forget that the reactionary right wing majority on the Court used a case in New York state to gut concealed carry restrictions, which we know will lead to more carnage.

The far right has apparently decided that they have built up enough of an electoral advantage across the country that they can press their religious and macho extremism upon the rest of us - and that there's nothing we can do about it.

Ready to Fight Back?

We think they're wrong. The team here at Philly Neighborhood Networks doesn't kowtow to bullies and we don't like it when they pick on our friends and neighbors. We're guessing you feel the same way.

This past Monday marked the anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence and many said that they had no intention of celebrating. Let's remember that 246 years ago the folks who put their names to this sacred document were not celebrating that day either.

While they were proud of their courage to declare liberty from a tyrant, they also knew that they had a long and difficult struggle ahead of them; and yet, they remained determined to keep their republic. Whether it remains a republic has a lot to do with what we can accomplish right here in Philly over the next few months.


Blue Pennsylvania Canvass Opportunities

Meanwhile, join us and our partners to canvass outside Philly for progressive candidates in neighboring Montgomery County.

  • Wednesdays in Horsham: Wednesdays from 4-6 for Melissa Cerrato for State Rep. SIGN UP HERE. If you would like to carpool from High Point Allen Lane, email

  • Saturday, July 9 at 11 AM. Canvass for Jill Dennin for State Senate in Pottstown. SIGN UP HERE.

  • Sunday, July 10 at 12 PM. Canvass for Senator Katie Muth and Paul Friel for State Rep in East Coventry. SIGN UP HERE.


Housing Action Committee Call with Nikil Saval

Tuesday, July 12th, 6:30PM, Virtual

We invite you to join our Housing Action Committee next Tuesday, July 12th with Special Guest State Senator Nikil Saval, who will discuss his Whole Home Repair legislation.

We will provide overviews of these campaigns, next steps to move these campaigns forward, and how we can get involved in and support these campaigns. Sign up for more details.


Save University City Townhomes Rally & March

Saturday, July 9th, 3PM, 40th & Market St

Join neighbors for an afternoon of good trouble, with a rally and speeches on behalf of very low income residents and working class families who are being systematically replaced to make space for nonprofit universities.

Right now, the University City Townhomes is on the chopping block. Having ended their 40-year contract with HUD, the owner of UCT is refusing to meet with residents and is moving fast to get residents out so they can demolish the Townhomes & sell the property for up to $100 million - a huge sum for them that results in displacement for thousands.

UCT is a 72 Unit property surrounded by the University of Pennsylvania & located right next to public transit, hospitals and grocery stores. UPenn’s expansion and development of luxury housing has displaced thousands from the historic “Black Bottom Neighborhood”.

There will be music, art and water ice at this family-friendly event; no need to sign up!


Kenny Letter Sabotages Public Bank: Our Response

Statement from the Public Banking Coalition

The Philadelphia Public Banking Coalition, of which PNN is a founding member, responds to a letter from Mayor Kenney to City Council, in which the Mayor refuses to provide funding for the Philadelphia Public Financial Authority, which was passed nearly unanimously by City Council this Spring.

In the event that City Council provided funding through the city budget or a transfer ordinance this Fall, the Mayor would prevent it from operating by refusing to appoint the authority’s board members, according to the letter. The coalition criticized the decision in an open letter to the Mayor, calling his actions an “affront to the democratic process.” The complete press release and a copy of the open letter to the Mayor is included in the link below.


Abortion Rights: What's Next in PA?

With abortion rights under attack by radicals on our highest Court, we need to know what's going on right here in our city and state. Watch our Movie Night Q&A with Marah Lange, Director of Client Services at the Abortion Liberation Fund of PA and Julie Zaebst, Senior Policy Advocate, ACLU on PNN's YouTube Channel.


This Week in History

July 10, 1917 – Goldman Sentenced. Anarchist activist Emma Goldman was sentenced to two years in jail for conspiring to "induce persons not to register" for the newly instated draft. Upon her release, she was deported to Russia.

July 10, 1925 – Scopes Monkey Trial. On this day, activist John Scopes sat accused of teaching evolution in his high school science class in violation of a Tennessee state law. This was a deliberate action to challenge a law based on religious intolerance, and it led to one of the most famous legal and political spectacles in our nation's history.

July 13, 2013 – Black Lives Matter. Following the acquittal of George Zimmerman in the murder of Trayvon Martin, a Facebook post containing the phrase "Black lives matter" soon becomes a rallying cry for a movement across the nation and around the world.

July 14, 1912 – Woody Guthrie Born. Socialist songwriter Woody Guthrie was born on this day in Oklahoma. He penned numerous anti-fascist songs including "This Land is Your Land" and traveled the nation playing for farmer and worker groups.

Thanks for your activism!

Tim Brown, Organizing Director


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