PNN’s mission is to engage, educate and empower our neighbors to make our City a better place to live. Here’s what’s coming up in each of these areas:
Engage: Tell State Reps to Support Scholarship Transparency
Educate: Racism & Violence Discussion
Empower: Help Penn Docs

Tell the State House to Vote "YES" on HB 2063
We believe that every child in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania is entitled to a quality education.
HB 2063 guarantees that at least 90% of taxpayer contributions will fund actual scholarships for PA students who live at less than 200% of the Federal Poverty level. We must ensure that taxpayer-funded scholarships are properly allocated and well accounted for.
Show your state representative how much education matters to you, tell them to
Help Penn Docs Fight for Fair Contract
Wednesday, May 1st, 5PM, 201 South 34th Street
Join the resident physicians of CIR at Penn on International Workers Day this May 1st to stand in solidarity in their fight for a fair contract. Last year, the doctors in training at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania made history by voting to unionize with CIR-SEIU, becoming the largest new union in Philly in over 50 years.
Now, Penn residents and fellows are negotiating their first union contract and are asking for support from the community at 5pm on May 1st, when they will be rallying outside of the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania.
CIR members are fighting to make sure they have adequate time off, all the resources they need to do their jobs, and call rooms that are safely proximate to patient care areas.
Racism & Violence: A Community Discussion
Saturday, May 4th, 9:30AM-2PM, 8501 Stenton Ave,
You are invited to an honest, respectful discussion of the question, "What role does racism play in the culture of violence in our country?"
This event is sponsored by the Philadelphia Chapter of Coming to the Table where attendees will come together for truth-telling, dialogue, building relationships, healing, and taking action to dismantle inequitable systems and structures based on “race.”
The Keynote Speaker is the Rev. Gregory Holston, the Senior Advisor on Advocacy and Policy for the Philadelphia District Attorney's Office (DAO). Lunch is provided. Saturday, May 4th, from 9:30-2:00 (registration begins at 9:00), Oxford Presbyterian Church, 8501 Stenton Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19150. Reservations appreciated but not required and all are welcome. for more information.
This Week in History
April 29, 1854 – First Black College in U.S. By an act of the Pennsylvania legislature, Ashmun Institute, the first college founded solely for African Americans, was officially chartered. Today, it is known as Lincoln University.
April 30, 1993 – Birth of Internet. On this day, CERN researcher Tim Berners-Lee released the source code for his dream of a "linked information system" which would become the World Wide Web.
Thanks for your activism!
Tim Brown, Organizing Director