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PNN Newsletter: Phone Bank for Justices, Knock Doors and Talk with Neighbors, Become a Poll Worker,

As we head toward November 2nd we have campaign fever - and we're ready to do our part to make sure that our progressive judges win their state-wide races. Sign up to canvass with a buddy. Sign up to call your neighbors. Sign up to be a poll worker. Even sign up to canvass outside of Philly, if that's your preference. But first, check out our endorsements and make sure to vote!

Vote on Nov. 2nd: Our Endorsements & Deadlines

Whether you are voting by mail or in person, please consider Philly Neighborhood Networks Endorsements and Recommendations for this upcoming election.

Here is some important information for those voting by mail:

Request Vote by Mail Ballot Online: (If you have not applied yet)

Oct 26, 5 PM: Deadline to Request VBM (But don’t wait until the last day or it could be too late)

Nov 2, 8 PM: Deadline for your ballot to be RECEIVED, not postmarked, by the Election Office

Drop Boxes: Philadelphia has 16 drop boxes that are open 24/7. Find one near you.


Knock Doors & Make Calls for Justice(s)

We have three weeks until the Nov. 2nd Election of State-Wide Judgeships and the far-right is geared up to lie and spend their way to victories for these important seats - knowing that Democrats just don't bother to show up.

The GOP is counting on us not showing up because, truth be told, their side doesn't have much intertest either. They hope that Philly remains unengaged because 1 in 5 Democrats in PA live in Philly and they rather we remain a sleeping giant.

If we can move the needle just a little, we can win this notoriously low-turnout election and keep the right-wing crazies at bay by electing progressive justices.

So, we're asking you to help us get out the vote - make calls or knock some doors in targeted neighborhoods (we'll try to find you a canvass buddy) - you don't have to do a lot to make a big difference in this election. Just do something.

All Canvasses are on Saturday, starting with a walk-thru of the script at 10:30AM. We'll be heading to our turfs by 11AM and will cover our 40 doors. We will knock all doors, engage in conversation when possible, and leave a flier at every door. Below are the dates for our organized canvasses where turnout is historically low. If you'd prefer to canvass your own division, let us know that when you sign up:

  • Oct 16th - Tonya Bah's Place (1456 W Chew Street)

  • Oct 23rd - Gail Loney's Place (2219 N Lambert Street)

  • Oct 30th - Steve Paul's Place (4710 Greene Street)

Our first two phone banks will happen this week on Tuesday, Oct 19th and Thursday, Oct. 21st, both starting with a short icebreaker and centering discussion on what we want to say to voters on the phone.

We're going to be making phone calls to these folks - likely voters - to let them know about the need to apply in time for the October 26th, 5PM deadline. Most importantly, we want to convey the importance of getting progressive judges seated at out highest state courts. We look forward to seeing you, even if it's just on zoom, so please use the link above to sign up.


Want to Be a Poll Worker?

The City could use your help on Election Day. Poll Workers open voting machines at the beginning of the day, check voters into the polling place, support the functioning of the polling place, and close everything up at the end of the night.

If you are selected, you can watch a virtual training and be available to work on Election Day from 6:15 AM until election materials are picked up from the polling place location sometime after 8:00 PM. This is a paid one-day position. If you're interested, click below.


Want to Canvass in the Suburbs?

Saturday, October 16 – North Penn, Montgomery County: A part of this school district also lies within Todd Stephens’s district (PA HD 151). This Saturday, October 16, starting at 10 AM, North Penn will host a canvass. The campaign needs English and Spanish speaking canvassers to knock on doors. Contact Kim Grieser (627-621-9573) for walking details and hand-outs.


This Week in History

Oct 15, 1965 – Card Burning. The student-run National Coordinating Committee to End the War in Vietnam held the first coordinated public burnings of draft cards in 40 cities across the nation.

Oct 16, 1859 – Harper's Ferry Raid. On this day, abolitionist John Brown led a raid on the Federal Armory at Harper's Ferry, in what is considered by historians to be the main precipitating incident that triggered the Civil War.

Oct 20, 1947 – Hollywood Communists. Right-wing opportunists on the House Un-American Activities Committee begin their harassment of Hollywood celebrities with the question: “Are you or have you ever been a member of the Communist Party?”

Oct 19, 1781 – American Revolution Ends. British forces led by Cornwallis surrender to Franco-American forces at Yorktown, effectively ending the Revolutionary War.

Thanks for your activism!

Tim Brown, Organizing Director


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