PNN’s mission is to engage, educate and empower our neighbors to make our City a better place to live. Here’s what’s coming up in each of these areas:
Engage: Harrisburg Lobby Day
Educate: Election Report, Learn How to Lobby
Empower: Join a Working Group

We Did It!
All of PNN’s Endorsed Candidates Won on Election Day boosting progressive power on Council, and securing Democratic control of the PA Supreme Court to protect critical rights such as voting and abortion against denying MAGA extremists.
Thanx to all of our volunteers who used their people power to defeat Jeffrey Yass, the richest man in PA, and other right-wing PACs who flooded in with millions to try to defeat us. We were part of a large people-centered coalition that canvassed, called voters, knocked doors, and worked at the polls to make a difference in this election. It was a hard-fought campaign, but we won! Thank you. Thank you.
Working Families Party In; Republicans Out. City Councilmember Kendra Brooks and Nicolas O’Rourke, two Working Families Party candidates for Philadelphia City Council At-Large, won the two minority seats, shutting out Republicans and making history. They increase the progressive wing on council that will fight for quality schools, safe and clean neighborhoods, and affordable housing.
PNN’s other 3 endorsed Democratic council-at-large candidates also won – Rue Landau, the first openly LGBTQ Council member in city history, is committed to economic justice, affordable housing, and investment in city services. The other two incumbents - Isaiah Thomas, and Katherine Gilmore Richardson - won their seats handily.
Democracy a Big Winner in PA Supreme Court Race. Our endorsed Democratic candidate, Daniel McCaffery, won decisively over right-wing Republican Carolyn Carluccio. He won in Philly but also across the state. The PA Supreme Court is our last resort in PA to protect voting and abortion rights – two issues that will be big next year. And all of our other appellate court candidates won their races helping to increase the Democratic presence.
The Future: As we rightfully take a moment to bask in these victories, we must hold our elected officials accountable- so stay tuned. One disappointing area is the Turn Out Rate in Philly - around 30%. With the Presidential election looming over us in 2024, we must work to increase turnout so that Democracy can triumph over the authoritarian tendencies of Trump and his MAGA supporters in our country.
What's Next? Join a Working Group
More than 90 activists took part in our People's Summit at the end of September. It was there that we began our collaborative work on some of the biggest issues this city will face in the coming year. Activists came together around these major areas of concern - Housing Justice, Community Development, Climate Justice, and Schools & Public Institutions. Working Groups were formed to think through priorities, and start to develop SMART goals that will lead to very real successes for our city.
We cannot do this alone, so if you have any skills you can share and some time you can spare, we'd really appreciate your contribution to the greater good. Please take this moment to click on the link below and sign up for something!
Lobby Training & Lobby Day in Harrisburg
Training (11/13, 7PM, Virtual); Lobby Day (11/14, 9AM, Harrisburg)
Our friends at March on Harrisburg have been fighting for a gift ban in Pennsylvania for the last 6 years! While our legislature has repeatedly failed to pass a commonsense gift ban, they are losing more and more allies. That's why this fight is so important.
And why being prepared is key to our success. If we work together, we'll be able to do what it takes to get the gift ban across the finish line. Join us on Monday evening for the first session of an immersive course in effective lobbying Harrisburg.
Then join us the following morning in our state capital for a day of community-powered lobbying for the Gift Ban (HB484) and Ranked Choice Voting (HB1178 and SB729).
Please click below for more information and to sign up. If you're trying to figure out a ride to Harrisburg or you have space in your car, let us know.
Monday, November 13th at 7pm: Community Powered Lobbying Course Week 1
Tuesday, November 14th at 9am: Community Powered Lobbying Day
This Week in History
Nov. 13, 1956 – No to Segregated Busing. The Supreme Court affirmed the Browder v. Gayle ruling that bus segregation was unconstitutional.
Nov 12, 1954 – Ellis Island Closes. The gateway to America, shut it doors after processing more than 12 million immigrants since opening in 1892. Today, tens of millions of Americans can trace their roots through Ellis Island.
Thanks for your activism!
Tim Brown, Organizing Director