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PNN Newsletter: Knock & Call for Justice, Brunch With the Candidates, Be a Poll Worker, more

Learn about our endorsements and recommendations; meet our appellate judicial candidates over brunch; knock doors and make calls for our candidates; become a paid poll worker; canvass in the suburbs; and find out what happened this week in history.

Get Involved

The Nov. 2nd Election is less that two weeks away! We have four progressive judges running for statewide seats on our appellate benches and they need our help to get elected in this lowest-turnout election of the four year cycle. And we need to complete the job of re-electing Larry Krasner as D.A. and help put the era of mass incarceration behind us.

Go to our website at and click on the link at the top of the page for our complete endorsements.

With all those School Board elections going on in Pennsyltucky, the rabid right will be sure to show up to vote for their favorite fascists.

That's why what we're doing is so important. Philly has 1 in 5 registered Democrats in the state, so if we make even a modest showing we're likely to win those precious statewide judgeships. Here's how you can get involved:


Knock Doors for Justice

Sign up to remind our fellow Philadelphians that we have three great Philly candidates - Maria McLaughlin, Lori Dumas and Timika Lane - and David Lee Spurgeon, running for these statewide judgeships, as part of a progressive slate of Democratic judges.

  • This Saturday: Gail Loney's Place (2219 N Lambert Street)

  • Next Saturday: Steve Paul's Place (4710 Greene Street)

  • Want to Do Your Own Block? Sign Up ands Let Us Know


Call for Justice

We'll be calling likely Democratic voters who need a nudge to vote. Here are our scheduled phone banks and the information you'll need to join us.

Tuesday, Oct 26th, 6:30PMThe zoom for Tuesday phone banks is here: Thursday, Oct. 28th, 6:30PM The zoom for our Thursday phone banks is here: Technology: We are NOT using auto-dialer. We will, instead, use Virtual Phone Bank, which will allow you to use your computer to track voters and your phone to make calls to them.


Important Dates for Vote-By-Mail

Here is some important information for those voting by mail:

Request Vote by Mail Ballot Online: (If you have not applied yet)

Oct 26, 5 PM: Deadline to Request VBM (But don’t wait until the last day or it could be too late)

Nov 2, 8 PM: Deadline for your ballot to be RECEIVED, not postmarked, by the Election Office

Drop Boxes: Philadelphia has 16 drop boxes that are open 24/7. Find one near you.


Want to Meet Our Judicial Candidates Over Brunch?

Oct 24, Sunday, 142 Bethlehem Pike, Philadelphia, 11 AM-1 PM

Supreme Court Candidate Maria McLaughlin, Superior Court Candidate Timika Lane, Commonwealth Court Candidates Lori Dumas & David Spurgeon will all be at this Sunday Brunch Meet & Greet. All four of these progressive Democratic candidates are facing stiff opposition from Republicans who are now running attack ads against them. The outcome is not certain and your support and vote for them is very much needed.

This is your chance to meet them, ask questions, find out who they are, and why it is so important to get them elected to serve our interests on the PA appellate courts. This Meet & Greet is sponsored by the 9th Ward Democratic Committee, and it is open to all.

The location is 142 Bethlehem Pike, Phila 19118. Contributions are suggested but not required and all contributions will be distributed to the candidates. If you are interested in attending, please RSVP to:


Want to Be a Poll Worker?

The City could use your help on Election Day. Poll Workers open voting machines at the beginning of the day, check voters into the polling place, support the functioning of the polling place, and close everything up at the end of the night.

If you are selected, you can watch a virtual training and be available to work on Election Day from 6:15 AM until election materials are picked up from the polling place location sometime after 8:00 PM. This is a paid one-day position. If you're interested, click below.


Want to Canvass in the Suburbs?

Saturday, October 23rd – North Penn, Montgomery County: A part of this school district also lies within Todd Stephens’s district (PA HD 151). This Saturday, October 23, starting at 10 AM, North Penn will host a canvass. The campaign needs English and Spanish speaking canvassers to knock on doors. Please call 627-621-9573 for details.

Wednesday, October 27th – Northampton Township, Bucks County: Our Rally Point is the High Point Café on Allen Lane at 3 PM, to canvass for town supervisors, school board, Tax Collector, and Auditor. This area is in PA HD 178, Wendi Thomas’s district. If we can elect more Dems to local offices up there, we increase our chances of changing this flippable Republican district blue. If you are interested, contact


This Week in History

Oct 22, 1962 – Cuban Missile Crisis. On this day, John Kennedy announced the presence of Soviet warheads in Cuba. This led to thirteen days of high-stakes brinksmanship that ended in withdrawal of Soviet missiles in Cuba and US missiles in Turkey.

Oct 23, 1850 – Women's Rights Convention. The first National women's Rights Convention was held in Worchester, MA with the objective: "to secure for [woman] political, legal, and social equality with man until her proper sphere is determined by what alone should determine it..."

Oct 24, 1940 – 40-Hour Work Week. The determined work of labor organizers met success on this day when the 40-hour work week was enacted as part of the Fair Labor Standards Act.

Thanks for your activism!

Tim Brown, Organizing Director


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