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PNN Newsletter: Join Our Action Planning Team Call, Medicare for All Visit, Organize Civics Forum...

PNN’s mission is to engage, educate and empower our neighbors to make our City a better place to live. Here’s what’s coming up in each of these areas:

  • Engage: Join Our Action Planning Team Call

  • Educate: Help Organize a "Protect Democracy" Civics Forum in PA-01

  • Empower: Tell Dwight Evans to Support Medicare for All

Tell Dwight Evans to Support Medicare for All

Monday, July 31st, 1PM, Congressman Evans' Office, 7047 Ogontz Ave

Join us on the anniversary of the creation of Medicare to tell Congressman Evans to show his support by cosponsoring H.R.3421, the for Medicare for All Act. While he has given his verbal assurances that he would support the bill, Evans has yet to put his name on it.

Considering that medical costs are one of the top concerns for us, his constituents, we think it's time he makes a formal commitment to this fundamental necessity for everyone who faces runaway medical costs.

If you'd like to join us, click on the link to email Dr. Walter Tsou.


Want to Help Plan a "Save Democracy" Civics Forum in PA-01?

While our primary focus remains engaging our neighbors here in Philly, we know that democracy doesn't stop at the city's borders. We know that democracy is being threatened in ways thought unimaginable only a few years ago. And we know that it's only going to get worse unless we lend a hand when we are asked by our allies.

That is why we have begun planning a "Save Democracy" Civics Forum with Public Citizen and other allies in Pennsylvania's First Congressional District (represented by Brian Fitzpatrick). If you would like to help plan this event, then click on the link below and we'll send you a reminder with the details.


What Do You Think PNN Should Do Next?

Wednesday, August 16th, 7:30PM, Virtual Action Planning Team Call

Join our Action Planning Team Call and learn how you can create, and/or effectively support, issue campaigns that you care about. We'll meet online to talk about the issues that plague our city and figure out what we can do about them. If you have an idea, you’ll be able to share it with like-minded activists.

Otherwise, you can take part in the issue analysis and planning that goes into making a campaign a success, and in mapping out winning strategies. Activism has its privileges, and one of them is working together with like-minded justice-warriors to change the world, while also making life-long friends. Join us.


This Week in History

July 29, 1970 – UFW Gets Contract. Under the leadership of Dolores Huerta and Cesar Chaves, the United Farm Workers ended a five-year strike and boycott as grape growers signed their first union contracts, granting workers better pay, benefits, and protections.

July 30, 1965 – Medicare Becomes Law. On this day, Lyndon Johnson signed the Medicare bill into law. Former president Harry Truman became the first recipient of this new program which has since become a bedrock program of our nation.

Aug. 1, 1946 – Mine Workers Strike. The 400,000-strong AFL-United Mine workers went on a nationwide strike for better wages and safer working conditions. They resisted violent attempts to break their strike until the Federal government intervened to broker a deal acceptable to the miners.

Aug 3, 1981 – Air Traffic Controllers Strike. Due to insufficient pay and long hours in a stressful environment, the U.S. Air Traffic Controllers (PATCO) went on strike, shutting down both passenger and freight travel. Two days later, then-president Ronald Reagan fired all 11,000 workers thus setting the stage for the decades of right-wing sabotage of the rights of workers to organize and strike.

Thanks for your activism!

Tim Brown, Organizing Director


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