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PNN Newsletter: Help Elect Good Judges, Free Aging Prisoners, Chase the Erase, more

Updated: Sep 26, 2021

We've got a lot going on over the next few weeks, so let's get you caught up. We have a state-wide election for judges coming up and we need your help to call or canvass to get out the vote. Find out what's next after the Public Banking Summit. Join a Day of Remembrance in Vernon Park. Watch street theater on the importance of fair districts. Sign up for Movie Night and talk to the author afterwards. And be sure to find out what happened this week in history. But, first...

Protest Against Haitian Deportations!

Tuesday, Sep. 28th, 3:30PM, City Hall NW

Join us this Tuesday at City Hall to tell President Biden and Secretary Mayorkas that they must stop expelling and deporting Haitian and other Black asylum-seekers. Asylum-seekers have the human rights and the right under U.S. and international law to seek asylum in the U.S. The U.S. is violating those rights when it expels and deports asylum-seekers.

The expulsions and deportations are especially egregious because asylum-seekers are not granted a hearing before they are sent back to the terror and violence they fled. Join us as we call on on Biden to:

  • Grant humanitarian parole to Black asylum-seekers at the U.S./Mexico border

  • Stop all expulsions and deportations

We will also call for an end of Title 42 and the metering system, both of which disproportionately impact Black asylum-seekers and remain unconstitutional.


Join the Fight! Help Elect Good Judges on Nov. 2nd

Ugly Fact: the general election after every presidential election is notoriously the LOWEST turnout election of the four year cycle - even lower than the off-year primary when there are at least some in-party challenges.

Uglier Fact: Republicans show up for this election; but Democrats do not. This inevitably results in Republicans winning a stronghold on judgeships and other key offices across Pennsylvania every four years.

COURTS MATTER: There are 4 critical positions for appellate court judges - 1 Supreme Court, 1 Superior Court and 2 Commonwealth Court. These statewide judges make important decisions that affect every aspect of our lives - voting rights, public school funding, abortion, and gun control, just to mention a few. They are often our last resort to protect our civil and constitutional rights that are under attack on so many fronts these days.

In the November general election, we can do something to get good judicial candidates elected. We can help to Get Out the Vote.


The Summit Is Over. What's Next?

Close to 200 folks watched Saturday's "Public Bank Visioning Summit" and it was a fascinating deep dive into how our City will benefit once we get our own Philly Public Bank. If you missed the summit you can catch it here:

So, what's next? We want to make some noise to let City Council know that we are watching what they do next. Will they make good on their promises to support a vibrant public bank? Will they succumb to pressure from the money boys to dilute the legislation or kill it altogether?

If you'd like to help make calls to those twelve members of City Council to remind them of their commitment to a Philly Public Bank, then take a moment to let us know by clicking the link below. We'll be in touch when the moment is right to let you know when to make calls.

Sign up to help and we'll give you the particulars.

Don't Forget: The next online session of the Financing Our Future series is coming up on Tuesday, Sept 28, at 4:30 PM. Greg Heller, the Senior Vice President of the Philadelphia Housing Development Corp., will be our guest along with Councilman Derek Green.

You can join us live using this link.


Day of Remembrance in Vernon Park

Saturday, Sep. 25th, 1PM-4PM, 5800 Germantown Avenue

On Saturday, September 25th 1pm to 4pm at Vernon Park, 5800 Germantown Avenue, there will be a day of remembrance in memory of those lives lost to homicide, suicide or COVID. If you have a loved one you wish to be honored or have any questions, please call the office of Rep. Kinsey at 215 849-6592. There will be food, music, spoken word and resources for families dealing with grief.


It's Time to Free Aging Prisoners

Thursday, Sep. 30th, 12PM, South Apron of City Hall

Pennsylvania's prison system is filled with aging prisoners, many of whom would have long ago served their time were it not for the inconvenient fact that their skin is black or brown. The for-profit prisons are making millions every year warehousing these prisoners who should have long ago enjoyed their freedom.

Join Straight Ahead, CADBI, HRC, Amistad, and others next week Thursday at noon, along with State Senators Street and Saval, as they announce a new bill that would offer parole to people who are over age 55. Those with family members inside the system are encouraged to bring photos of their loved ones to display and honor their names.


Chase the Erase: Political Theater

Saturday, Oct. 2nd, 1PM, People's Plaza

Come dance to the beat of the West Powelton Drummers as our hero "Judge Marjorie T. Rules" takes on bad guy "Judge Gerry Mander" and his sidekick Phil E. Buster to draw ethical boundaries and secure Fair Elections for our state.

There will be four short theater performances that will include information about the importance of electing great judges in the upcoming Nov. 2nd judicial elections.

Need a Reminder? We'll save the date for you and send a reminder with more information as we get closer to the event.


Movie Night: "The Power to Heal"

Tuesday, Oct. 12th, 7PM, Virtual Event

Join us the second Tuesday in October for a special viewing of "The Power to Heal: Medicare & the Civil Rights Revolution". This one-hour movie on how Medicare helped create equity in healthcare in our nation will be followed by a discussion with David Smith, the author of the book on which this movie is based, and Dr. Walter Tsou, former Health Commissioner of Philadelphia.

The audience will be invited to ask questions. We'll send the link for the show in a follow-up email the day of the show to everyone who signs up.


This Week in History

Sep 24, 1789 – Supreme Court Established. A tribunal of six justices, led by Chief Justice John Jay, became the top interpreters of U.S. law.

Sep 25, 1957 – Little Rock Nine. Under escort from the U.S. Army, nine black students enter all-white Central High School in Little Rock, AR.

Sep 28, 1864 – International Workingman's Association. In response to harsh working conditions and poor wages, Karl Marx, Fredrich Engels and others founded the IWA.

Sep 30, 1962 – National Farm Workers Association. Cesar Chavez and Dolores Huerta helped found the NFWA in response to deplorable working conditions and low pay.

Thanks for your activism!

Tim Brown, Organizing Director


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