PNN’s mission is to engage, empower and educate. Here’s what’s coming up in each of these areas:
Engage: Sign Up for Buddy Canvassing; Committee Person Petition Challenges: Join Our Housing Call
Educate: Take Our Workshop; Listen to Our Radio Show; Read About Our Endorsements
Empower: Table for a Better Climate; Q&A with Derek Green; Budget Press Conference
Read on to find out the when, where, and how.

Our Endorsements
It’s time to announce PNN’s latest slate of endorsed candidates, and have we got a great slate for you this Spring! It’s the most diverse we’ve ever assembled, with candidates who are female, male, gay, straight, black, white, Asian, incumbent and challenger. They are running for a variety of offices all across the City and State.
These women and men reflect the deep bench that progressives have developed to represent us in all these offices. They also reflect well the momentum that PNN, along with other progressive groups, have developed over the years in finding and nurturing justice-seekers to run for office.
Apart from their people-oriented political orientations, this group of terrific nominees all share tremendous leadership qualities. Our incumbent legislative endorsees are all recognized as leaders in the Democratic Caucus in either the state House or Senate, pushing Democrats to move from the muddled middle to a progressive militancy. Our challenger candidates, and those seeking open seats, are well-known, long-term, community and labor leaders. These folks, as they say, have walked the walk, not just talked the talk. Click Here to read about each of them and why we chose them.
Below we proudly present our slate. We intend to work harder than ever for as many as we can. Read on for some specific techniques we will be using to make our work together for these candidates more impactful than ever. Then, soon after, look for our call to get our campaign started.
And now we proudly present our list of endorsed candidates, approved by both our Steering Committee and members, for the Spring 2022 primary.
Workshop: How to Make a Strong Ask
Monday, March 28th at 7PM
One of the most uncomfortable things you may do in life is to ask people to do something for you - you feel awkward about it, unsure if they'll be offended by your ask and therefore lack the confidence to make a direct ask of others. No worries! We're going to fix that by teaching you the skills you need to perform this valuable task.
This is a great skill to learn because it will help you get over the uncomfortable feeling you get when you have to ask a stranger for something - How do you do it? What are the steps? What if you get rejected?
We're going to teach you how it's done and at the end you'll feel more confident going to someone's door to motivate them to do something, like vote. The class is about 90 mins in length, and the only thing you'll need to bring is your energy and positive attitude!
Sign up below and we will send you the zoom link in our reminder email.
Sign Up for "Buddy" Canvassing
The biggest fear folks have about canvassing, aside from the pandemic, is that you are often left to do this work on your own - knocking on door after door, getting rejected by strangers - all of it can be intimidating even to a veteran canvasser.
That's why we've decided to "buddy up" our canvassers to knock doors together, share the conversation, get better at it by debriefing each conversation between doors, and making a new friend in the process. Ask someone who's done it and they'll tell you that they had a great time Buddy Canvassing!
Now it's time to get to work. We have a Primary Election on May 17th and beyond that a General Election that will decide whether or not we have a democracy next year.
So, sign up below and we'll get in touch with you about when and where you will be needed. You can canvass your own neighborhood, but if you do, then please be willing to offer the front of your home as a staging area to canvass your entire division. We will help you recruit volunteers. You will also be asked to buddy up with local canvassers in often neglected neighborhoods to help them build their skills.
What's Next for Our Public Bank? Find Out on Tuesday
Tuesday, March 29th, 4:30PM, Virtual
Now that we have had a win on legislation in City Council, and because both the board selection process and the city budget are simultaneously before us right now, it is time to address three fundamental questions about our public bank effort for the public record:
“What have we achieved?” "Where is the money?” “Who will be on the boards?"
Councilmember Derek Green will join us on our monthly video presentation of "Financing Philadelphia's Future" to help us answer these questions. Then he will answer your questions.
We will start promptly at 4:30PM. Please join us at 4:25PM on Tuesday by logging onto zoom using this link:
People's Budget Press Conference
Thursday, March 31st, 1PM, City Hall
Mayor Kenney is introducing his budget on the morning of March 31st -- and while we don't totally know what is being proposed, we are expecting potential increases in funding to the police and tax breaks for big business.
In response, the Alliance for a Just Philadelphia will be holding a People's Budget Response press conference in person at 1PM on the south side of City Hall (near the Catto Statue).
Our city budget is a moral document – where we put our money shows what we value. Two years after the start of the pandemic, this budget will impact how someone having a mental health crisis can get access to 24/7 support, how children can go the libraries on the weekend or have places to play after school, how our neighborhood gardeners can continue to feed and beautify their communities on vacant lots, whether our housing stock is safe, accessible, and deeply affordable for all Philadelphians, and much more.
Celebrate International Wages for Housewives Campaign
Sunday, March 27th, 2-5PM, 5011 Wayne Ave.
Global Women’s Strike is having a reception to celebrate 50 years of the International Wages for Housewives Campaign. They will have pics and props from the first decade of their work on display and these pieces will be archived afterwards. There will be in-person speakers and virtual speaks The reception will include drinks and food including beer from Attic Brewery and Shoprite and some other tasty donations. No need to sign up, just show up.
Join Our Housing Action Call
Tuesday, April 5th, 6:30PM, Virtual
Due to technical issues with Zoom for this week’s meeting, the Housing Action Committee has rescheduled its first meeting for April 5th at 6:30pm. Whether you've worked for housing justice in the past, are inspired by recent events related to housing in Philadelphia, or just want to get more involved in your community, this committee is meant for you.
We will be getting to know each other and our interest in housing, defining current housing and community development issues in Philadelphia and shaping the Housing AC’s core beliefs, focuses, and goals. The Housing AC is looking to create a community for collaborative and meaningful activism. A working draft of the committee's beliefs and focus, up for discussion during our initial meetings, is posted on our Housing webpage.
Tabling Volunteers Needed
Ongoing thru Spring
PNN's Community Net-Zero Education Project is working to educate and engage neighbors on how to reduce climate risk. We are looking for some volunteers to help us cover tables at festivals this spring. "Tabling" is a fun way to be outdoors, have interesting conversations with nice people, and make a difference for the planet!
We’ll be at several events this spring, including Chestnut Hill Home and Garden Festivals (May 1) and Mt. Airy Day (May 7), and would welcome volunteers for 2-hour shifts (3 people on each shift). Whatever time you can contribute will be appreciated! If you’re interested, please contact Leonard Nakamura.
Listen to Our Show on G'Town Radio
Our 30-minute radio show, "Talking in the Neighborhood" debuted on Germantown Community Radio 92.9FM last week. Kudos to everyone who took part in deciding on issues, finding guests, formulating questions, editing content, and running the show.
In our first show we talked with former City Health Commissioner Dr. Walter Tsou and Chuck Pennacchio, producer of the documentary "Fix It: Health Care at the Tipping Point” and current president of One Payer States. We discussed universal healthcare; how it works for other civilized nations; what it might look like instituted here in the United States; and what we can do to help get it implemented.
We're Looking for Organizers. We are currently accepting resumes for Organizing Staff (full/part) on Contingency Funding for c3/c4 electoral and community work. Send your interest to
___________________________________________________________________________________________This Week in History
Mar 25, 1911 – Triangle Shirtwaist Fire. 146 immigrant workers, mostly women, died in a fire from which they could not escape. Legislation soon followed to protect worker safety.
Mar 26, 1953 – Salk Announces Vaccine. With polio crippling more than 50,000 citizens, Dr. Jonas Salk announced that his laboratory had found a vaccine to protect against what many called "infant paralysis" because it mainly affected children.
Mar 29, 1973 – U.S. Out of Viet Nam. The last U.S. combat troops left South Vietnam as Hanoi freed the remaining American prisoners of war held in North Vietnam, ending America’s direct eight-year intervention in the country.
Thanks for your activism!
Tim Brown, Organizing Director