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PNN Newsletter: Election on the Line, No Bomb Trains in Philly, Protect 11 Million Immigrant Workers

The General Election is this Tuesday and the PA State Courts are on the line. In particular, dark money from the far right has flooded the Supreme Court race in an attempt to smear the good reputation of Judge Maria McLaughlin. Their candidate? An Election Denier who tried to throw out legitimate ballots during the 2020 Election. The Supreme Court stopped him and now he's on the ballot to subvert democracy. We cannot allow judges like him to win election to our state's highest Court.

Also this week: Let President Biden know how you feel about allowing LNG "bomb trains" to run through our city. Sign a petition calling for a path to citizenship for 11 million undocumented immigrants. Watch the video for the monthly public banking Q&A with Derek Green. Read how SEPTA workers won a new contract. And check out what happened this week in history.

Important Info for the Nov. 2nd Election

Election Things to Remember:

  • All Ballots Must Be RECEIVED by 8PM on Election Day (When the Polls Close).

  • It is Too Late to Apply for a Vote by Mail Ballot. Those without a Ballot Must Vote In Person.

  • Have a Mail-In Ballot? Put it in a Drop Box: Philadelphia has 16 drop boxes that are open 24/7. Find one near you.

  • Got a question about your ballot or voting? Call the Commissioner's Office at 215-686-3460.


SEPTA Workers Win New Contract!

A Monday morning strike of SEPTA workers was avoided when management accepted transit union worker's terms. The package includes a raise, a one-time COVID hazard payment and parental leave. Read More Here


Say "No!" to Bomb Trains

Liquid Natural Gas (LNG) is liquefied methane, a greenhouse gas (GHG) that is 100 times more powerful than carbon dioxide in heating our atmosphere over a 10-year period, a timeline that scientists say we must instead be working to reduce GHG emissions to address the climate crisis.

But that's not even the worst of it. That LNG is extremely volatile (remember the refinery explosion?), and it is being shipped via train cars that have not even been put through safety checks. Essentially, a bomb that will be rolling through highly populated areas, mostly black and brown and poor, by train every single day, passing right through Philadelphia.

All of this is about to happen because the Trump Administration granted a Special Permit for this hazardous, flammable, and potentially explosive cargo to travel approximately 200 miles through populated areas on its way to be processed just south of our city.

Joe Biden can stop this. So, let's get his attention. Sign the petition below to let Joe Know that he needs to have Pennsylvania's back.


Protect 11 Million Immigrants

It's time to end our xenophobic immigration laws and provide a pathway to citizenship for the 11 million undocumented immigrants. These folks have lived in the shadows of our legal system, all the while being the kind of "good citizens" we want as our neighbors and fellow citizens. Sign the petition tell the Administration and our senators that we demand permanent protection and a pathway to citizenship for our undocumented neighbors.


New Public Banking Video

This month's "Financing Philadelphia's Future" Monthly Q&A with Derek Green was recorded on Tuesday, Oct. 26th.


This Week in History

Oct 29, 1929 – Black Friday. On this day, speculators got called on stocks that had no real value, causing the stock market to crash, which led to the Great Depression.

Nov 2, 2021 – It's Election Day! Get Out and Vote! (and bring friends)

Nov 4, 1964 – D.C. Residents Vote. The residents of the District of Columbia cast ballots in their first presidential election after the 23rd Amendment gave them the right to vote for president. D.C. has three Electoral Votes, just like Wyoming, although it only has one (non-voting) representative in Congress.

Thanks for your activism!

Tim Brown, Organizing Director


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