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PNN Newsletter: Demand Public Bank Funding, Philly Talks Trash, Climate Rally in H'burg, Movie Night

PNN’s mission is to engage, educate and empower. Here’s what’s coming up in each of these areas:

  • Engage: Demand Council Fund Public Bank; Movie Night on Abortion Rights

  • Educate: Philly Talks Trash; Housing Meeting on Whole Home Repair

  • Empower: Climate Change Action in Harrisburg; People's March on DC

Read on to find out when, where and how:

A Note About Last Night’s Watch Party & Next Steps

Thanks to everyone who showed up last night. It was good to be with friends as we watched the start of the hearings by the January 6th Committee. We got a rare chance to catch up as a group in a time of pandemic, and we were there for each other as we relived that horrible day.

We also took some comfort (and occasional shouts of glee) as we listened to politicians from opposing parties make it clear that no matter their differences on issues, that the rule of law must take precedence over the rule of man or we will lose our democracy.

But we know that we cannot simply play the role of audience to this national play. As everyone at the watch party confirmed, we must all do our part to defend democracy against a determined group of evil men who want to end it.

The Plan is straightforward, but it takes work: Starting next month until Election Day, we’re going to knock doors and talk with our neighbors about our nation’s future and get them to commit to vote (preferably, by having them fill out a mail-in ballot application).

We'll be in touch with details soon.


Email Council to Demand Funding for Our Public Bank

With all the horrific and sometimes bizarre events swirling around us, it’s easy sometimes to forget the big picture of what keeps so many of us down and out. At its center is a financial system that rewards the already rich, and preys on the poor. If we had a public bank, we could begin to brighten that picture in Philadelphia.

Whether or not we have a public bank might be decided this week as the City Council adopts a new budget. The authorized precursor to the bank – the Philadelphia Public Financial Authority – needs only $3 million in a $5.6 billion budget to start up. We need your support for a final push to make a public bank a reality for Philadelphia. Please reach out to Councilmembers with an email today or ASAP with a simple message of support. You can find a sample email right here in our:

And let us know you’ve done it by copying That way we can let Councilmembers know for sure that our members have spoken, and that they need to act accordingly. The work we’re doing on public banking is not just great for our city; it sets a precedent for the rest of the nation. Send a few emails to Councilmembers and be proud that you’re doing your part.


Take Direct Action on Climate Change in Harrisburg

Monday, June 13th, 10AM, State Capitol, 501 N 3rd St, H'burg

Join us and March on Harrisburg as they take direct action at our state capital to push our legislators to stop taking bribes from, among others, fossil fuel lobbyists and get serious about climate change.

The path to climate justice necessarily includes the phase out of greenhouse gas production and a just transition to clean, renewable energy for those most affected by the exploitative fossil fuel and petrochemical economy.

This action will be part of the work being done by activists at the Pennsylvania Climate Convergence that will take place in Harrisburg from June 11th-13th to change the conversation on climate change and demand urgent legislative and administrative action.

If you want to be part of the June 13th action or simply want to be a moral observer, then click the link below to sign up. (Need a ride? Let us know when you sign up).


Philly Talks Trash Series: Managing Food Waste at Home

Thursday, June 16th, 6:30PM, Virtual

We have decisions to make in the home kitchen to keep that 43% out of landfills where almost all of it goes, resulting in the release of climate changing greenhouse gasses and water pollution.

Join us on June 16th for an upbeat program that will provide a variety of strategies and ideas for keeping food scraps from your kitchen out of the landfill. “Managing Food Waste at Home'' features cookbook writer and blogger Ann-Marie Bonneau, author of “Zero Waste Chef, and local business owners Max Hosey of Hoser’s Central Kitchen in the Market at the Fareway, and Coleen Falicki founder of Back to Earth Composting. For more information and registration:


Poor People's March on Washington

Saturday, June 18th, National Mall, Washington, D.C.

The Mass Poor People’s & Low-Wage Workers’ Assembly & Moral March on Washington and to the Polls on June 18, 2022 will be a generationally-transformative declaration of the power of poor and low-wealth people and our moral allies to say that this system is killing all of us and we're not going to take it anymore. For more information on how you can participate in this event, click the link below.


Movie Night: When You Lose the Right to Choose

Wednesday, June 22nd, 7PM, Virtual

Join us for a viewing of the short film, "Abortion Helpline, This is Lisa" followed by a discussion of where we are on abortion rights in the country, state and in Southeast PA led by experts, Julia Zaebst, Senior Policy Advocate at the PA ACLU and Marah Lange, Director of Client Services at the Abortion Liberation Fund of PA.

We’ll look at the potential actions by the US Supreme Court as well as pending legislation from foes in Harrisburg, and we'll discuss how we will preserve our rights and available services in Southeast Pennsylvania.

Please be prepared to ask questions, so we can share the facts with our friends, neighbors and relatives.


Housing Meeting to Take on Whole Home Repair

Wednesday, June 22nd, 6:30PM, Virtual

Join our Housing Action Committee as we explore a broad range of topics, including Whole Home Repair legislation and Rent Control. We'll be joined by one or more guest speakers who will offer possible solutions and next steps to move this legislation forward.

To get a sense of why the Whole Home Repair legislation is so important, check out this Inquirer article on the current state of Philly's Licenses & Inspections office.


This Week in History

June 12, 1963 – Medgar Evers Shot. On this day, Civil Rights leader Medgar Evers was assassinated in his driveway. He worked for the NAACP and was also instrumental in getting evidence for the Emmett Till murder case.

June 13, 1966 – You Have the Right to Remain Silent... The Supreme Court handed down its decision in Miranda v. Arizona, establishing the principle that all criminal suspects must be advised of their rights before interrogation.

June 14, 1777 – Flag Day. The Continental Congress adopted a resolution deciding on our first national flag, which became known as the “Stars and Stripes.”

Thanks for your activism!

Tim Brown, Organizing Director


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