PNN’s mission is to engage, educate and empower our neighbors to make our City a better place to live. Here’s what’s coming up in each of these areas:
Empower: Sign Up to Canvass Now!
Engage: Come to the Wealth Tax Hearing; Rally Against Harrisburg Corruption
Educate: Stop Legal Bribery March to & Rally in H'burg; Watch Financing Philly's Future
Read on to find out the when, where, and how.
Now Is the Time to Sign Up to Canvass in Philly!
Our Canvass Kickoff Starts Saturday, September 17th, 10AM, at The Studio, 5535 Lena St.
We all know how important the upcoming General Election in PA is - we must win the Governorship, US Senate seat and flip the state legislative chambers. And to do this, we must turn out a big vote in Philly where so much of our Democratic base resides.
To kick off PNN’s canvassing campaign, we will gather on Saturday, Sept 17, 10 AM at the Studio, 5535 Lena St, in Germantown to rally with elected political allies, get trained on the best techniques to convey the urgency of our message to our neighbors, and then buddy up to knock doors.
Fight the Right! The far right has been pushing their obnoxious agenda down our throats for years and they are preparing a series of Constitutional Amendments in Harrisburg that will guarantee that they will be able to take full possession of our government by minority rule when they win in November.
But we have our own plans and they begin with bucking the odds and actually winning back a chamber in Harrisburg, as well as maintaining possession of the House and strengthening our advantage in the Senate to thwart Mitch McConnell from blocking every decent piece of legislation that will help struggling Americans. And we need to retain the Governorship to thwart the draconian proposals of Mastriano to abolish abortions, suppress voting, and stop all efforts at preventing climate change, among other things.
Do Three Shifts. It starts with getting out the vote in numbers we haven't ever seen in a midterm election. If Philadelphia can increase our voting percentage to match the rest of the state, we will shut down the MAGA Republicans and send a clear message to the rest of America that we've had enough of their fascist bullying.
We have a lot of territory to cover, so we're asking that you commit to doing three shifts this election cycle to make sure we get to everyone's door to remind them how important this election is to our City, our state and or nation.
Join Us. We will kick off our Election Work on Saturday, September 17th at 10AM at the Studio located at 5535 Lena Street in Germantown. Take a look at your schedule and let us know how often you can join us at what will be our regular Saturday and Sunday Canvasses. We will train you and pair you up in canvassing teams. There are also scheduled phone banks.
Want to Do Some Voter Registration Tabling? We have two opportunities for you. The first is on September 14: The last of the Mt Airy Supper Sessions. This takes place on the 7100 block of Germantown Ave from 5-9 PM. The event is broken up into two 2-hour shifts (5-7 and 7-9).
The second opportunity is September 17- Community Fair at the Deliverance Evangelical Church located at 2001 West Lehigh Ave from 10AM-3PM. We'll do 2-hour shifts. If you are interested in participating, email Lori Jardines.
Blue Pennsylvania Canvass Opportunities This Week
Join us and our partners to canvass outside Philly for progressive candidates in neighboring counties.
Saturday, Sept. 10th on 4486 Longview Lane, Doylestown, PA 18902 for Tim Brennan for State Rep. SIGN UP HERE.
Rally to Pass Gift Ban to Stop Legal Bribery
Monday, September 12th, Harrisburg, 10AM
Join our allies March on Harrisburg as they take to the road in York, PA for a three-day march to our state Capitol Building to hold our legislators accountable. We're giving these politicians no choice but to publicly show what side they're on: the side of the corporate interests and lobbyists, or the side of Pennsylvanians who are sick and tired of our legislature's blatant corruption and legal bribery. To read more about it, Click Here.
The culmination of the three-day march will be a non-violent direct action (NVDA) designed to focus the attention of statewide media on the ubiquitous practice of legal bribery of our elected officials, and to hold them to account. This is an opportunity to see what an NVDA looks like as activists take on the power brokers in Harrisburg. If you'd like to participate, or simply be a moral witness, click below.
Watch "Financing Philly's Future"
Recorded on Tuesday, August 30th
Click the link below to watch the latest in our video series, "Financing Philly's Future". This is the last show that will feature Councilmember Derek Green as he has resigned to run for mayor. Coincidentally, the Public Bank Coalition invited Mayor Jim Kenney to attend this meeting to answer questions about why he refuses to fund the public bank (officially called the Philadelphia Public Financial Authority) and there is a discussion on how to get financing without waiting on the mayor.
Join Us at the Hearing to Support the Philly Wealth Tax
Wednesday, September 21st, 1PM, City Hall, Room 400
We’re excited that the Philly Wealth Tax will have an in-person hearing on Wednesday, September 21st at 1PM in City Hall – and we’re asking you to help pack the room to show support!
What's the Wealth Tax about? Last April, Councilmember Kendra Brooks introduced a bill for a Philadelphia Wealth Tax to bring much needed revenue to the city in order to fund public services like our schools, parks, recreation centers, libraries, sanitation programs, and more.
The Philly Wealth Tax would require those who have the most – surplus income in the stock market (outside of retirement accounts and pensions) – to pay a small tax, and would raise nearly $200 million a year for our public services and schools.
That's a small tax on the uber-wealthy that they'll never miss, but that will pay great dividends to the City of Philadelphia. So, sign up to join us at the Council hearing to let City Councilmembers know that we expect them to support this worthwhile legislation.
Visit the "92.9 Day Festival"
Saturday, September 24th, 12PM-6PM, Maplewood Mall
Join the festivities in Germantown at the 92.9 Day Festival to celebrate Germantown Radio's fourth year serving the community. There will be a bike parade, line dancing, a bookmobile and face painting for the kids. There will also be live music and performances throughout the day. You can even bring your favorite CD and play your song on the radio! The festival is a free event at the Maplewood Mall located at Germantown and Greene Sts.
This Week in History
Sep 9, 1971 – Attica Uprising. Prisoners took over Attica Prison in upstate New York to protest deplorable living conditions. Four days later, the governor ordered the prison stormed resulting in the deaths of 33 people. The uprising led to changes in the prison system and the beginning of the prisoner's rights movement.
Sep 11, 2001 – Day of Remembrance. This day marks the 21st anniversary of a series of attacks by Saudi Arabian and Egyptian hijackers targeting the twin tower buildings in NYC and murdering 2,977 people. This led to the PATRIOT Act and a 20-year war in the middle east.
Sep 15, 1963 – Birmingham Four. On this day, 16th Street Baptist Church was bombed by four known Klansmen, murdering four black girls who were practicing for choir. The site remains a rallying place for Civil Rights.
Thanks for your activism!
Tim Brown, Organizing Director