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PNN Newsletter: Buddy Canvass, Free Movie, Chinatown Arena, Affordable Housing, More

PNN’s mission is to engage, educate and empower our neighbors to make our City a better place to live. Here’s what’s coming up in each of these areas:

  • Engage: It's Time to Buddy Canvass, No Arena in Chinatown March

  • Educate: Free Screening: A Woman on the Outside

  • Empower: Become a Paid Canvasser, Stand Up for Affordable Housing

Are You Ready to Buddy Canvass?

Mid-August thru Election Day, in Mt Airy/Elsewhere

Sign up to canvass in Wards 22 and 59 (and elsewhere) starting mid-August - to talk with voters (particularly, low-turnout) about Kamala Harris' record and plans for the future, the nefarious plans of Trump/Vance and the GOP's Project 2025, and why their vote can make the difference.  If Philly has a big turnout, we win Pennsylvania.

If you'd like to help this summer, whether it's buddy canvassing, postcards, planning/staffing events, make phone calls or you've got another idea, please Click Here to let us know.


Paid Canvass Opportunities

Thru the Summer Until Election Day

If you or someone you know would like to get paid to talk with your neighbors, then click on the link below to sign up. PNN is looking to hire people to canvass neighbors in select communities in the city. You must be personable, responsible to the work, have a smart phone, and be willing to learn how to use the MiniVAN app to capture information from the people you talk with at the doors.

Work is typically a five-hour shift with a paid half hour break taken from that time. At the start of each shift, you'll get a List Number that you'll input into the MiniVAN app. You'll be given instructions - and practice - on what to say at the doors, how to record information in MiniVAN, and how to close out your shift.

Canvassers are paid $20/hr for five hours for a total of $100 per shift. Accommodations can be made on hours and days to fit personal schedules. You can work as often as you like within program limits.


Free Screening: A Woman on the Outside

Thursday, August 22, 6:30PM, Moore College of Art, 1916 Race St.

Join the Philadelphia Community Bail Fund, Amistad Law Project and our partners on Thursday August 22 from 6:30 to 9:30 PM for a free film screening of the film "A Woman on the Outside" and community conversation at the Moore College of Art & Design.

This event explores the impact of incarceration on women and families and their pursuit for justice, liberation, and reintegration. All are welcome, particularly returning citizens and family members. Following the film, stay for a panel discussion that includes Amistad Policy Director Nikki Grant and Philadelphia Community Bail Fund's Candace McKinley.


Stand Up for Affordable Housing

Thursday, September 5, 10AM, City Hall

Our allies at the Philadelphia Coalition of Affordable Communities will be visiting City Council chambers on their first day back from summer vacation to put our city's money to good use by advocating for affordable housing for those who need it most.

Their goal is to push for passage of legislation that mandates 50% of all federal, state, and local housing dollars be dedicated to households earning 25% of AREA MEDIAN INCOME (AMI) or less (approximately $28,600). Show up at City Hall with a sign in support of affordable housing or just show up to stand up for our fellow citizens.


No Arena in Chinatown March

Saturday, September 7, 1PM, City Hall

Join our friends from Asian Pacific Islander Political Alliance and allies on the north side of City Hall for a rally and march. The goal is to keep up the pressure on the mayor and City Council to stop the proposed building of the Sixers arena in the middle of one of the city's oldest immigrant neighborhoods. The monied elite think they can wait us out and that this alliance of neighbors will falter, but we know if we keep pushing we can stop this from happening and save Chinatown. See you there.


This Week in History

Aug. 17, 1985 – Hormel Strike. Following wage cuts and serious injuries, workers at the Hormel plant in MN began a one year strike to win safer working conditions and higher pay.

Aug 20, 1619 – African Slavery at Jamestown. The first enslaved Africans were sold for food and supplies by privateers in this Virginia colony, setting the stage for 250 years of slavery in America.

Aug 21, 1831 – Turner's Slave Rebellion. On this day, enslaved preacher Nat Turner led a 2-day revolt against slave owners in southern Virginia that destroyed the white Southern myth that slaves were actually happy with their subjugation, along with harsher slave laws.

Thanks for your activism!

Tim Brown, Organizing Director


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