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All-Hands Members Meeting, Toxic-Free Parks, Big Wins in City Council, Derek Green’s Banking B

As we close out 2020, we wanted to let you know about our All-Hands Meeting to start the new year, and cheer on some big wins for Philly, as City Council does the right thing for workers and those facing eviction. The mayor still needs a push on a public parks bill. We also give you the scoop on the Public Banking bill.

Join Our All-Hands Members Meeting, January 9th

The Big Plan. Help us put 2020 in the rearview mirror as we reveal our Big Plan for the new year! Find out how you can join an Action Committee to take on issues around education, the environment, healthcare, housing, racial and economic justice. Learn about our Division Captain Project that will train our next generation of community leaders, and perhaps our next elected Committee Persons. And find out about our plans for the City’s Primary Election, where we’ll get to test our progress.

Guest Speakers. You’ll also hear from District Attorney Larry Krasner on his experiences thus far and what he hopes to accomplish around criminal law and racial justice. And Council Person Kendra Brooks will talk about her work and what needs to be done in the City in 2021.

Come join Philly Neighborhood Networks as we begin the new year together!


SATURDAY, JAN. 9th, 4-5:30 PM


Make Our Parks Toxic Free

Mayor Kenney has until December 17th to sign Bill #200425, the Healthy Outdoor Public Spaces bill into law. The bill, which bans toxic herbicides in city-owned public spaces was passed UNANIMOUSLY by City Council on December 3rd. Let the Mayor know you support this landmark legislation at (215) 686-2181


Big Wins for Workers & Eviction Alternatives!

On Thursday, City Council passed the Black Workers Matter Economic Recovery Package, ensuring that the city’s 12,000 mostly Black and mostly female hospitality workers have a right to return to their jobs as the economy reopens. It also prevents new contractors from replacing seasonal stadium and food service airport workers, and protects workers’ jobs if a hotel is sold or goes through foreclosure.

In the same session, City Council passed Helen Gym’s bill which extends the Eviction Diversion Program until March 31, 2021. The Eviction Diversion program was launched in September and has been years in the making. It requires that landlords and tenants sit in mediation before an eviction can be filed. In the few short months this program has been in operation, it’s shown a lasting benefit. Only five percent of those who participate in mediation are unable to meet a solution. Now the city has attached millions of dollars to the program to provide rent assistance and to support housing counselors and mediators.


Inside Scoop: Green to Introduce Public Banking Bill

Wednesday night Councilmember Derek Green made an historic commitment at a meeting of the PNN-led Public Banking Coalition. He will introduce a bill to create a Philadelphia Public Bank at Council’s first session next year. Introduction of the bill means that Philly will be leading the race to become the first City in the nation with its own bank, enabling it to redirect massive amounts of capital away from Wall Street, and back into our communities. Stay tuned for updates and we’ll let you know how you can do your part to help move this legislation across the finish line. ______________________________________________________________________________________________

Women’s Visionary Series

Check out the Visionary Women Series, an interfaith dialogue group hosted by Interfaith Philadelphia. This year, they will be gathering virtually and highlighting black and indigenous female voices of leadership and their spiritual communities in the Philadelphia region, to connect with culturally, religiously, and ideologically diverse women and gender nonbinary individuals. The program cost is on a sliding fee scale, including full scholarships, to make the program accessible to all. Applications are due December 21st. Don’t miss out on this transformative, relationship-building, interfaith and intergenerational experience.Sign Up Here______________________________________________________________________________________________

Thank You for Your Giving Tuesday Donation

We appreciate each one of you who donated to PNN on Giving Tuesday. As you’ll see at our All-Hands Meeting in January, we have Big Plans for 2021, and we aim to hire two full-time organizers to help guide our Division Captain and Action Committee programs. We have lots of good work ahead of us and your donation will contribute toward our success.

It’s not too late to contribute to next year’s work. You can do that below.


This Week in History

Dec. 13, 2000 – Gore Concedes. Following weeks of legal battles over counting votes in Florida, former Vice President Al Gore announced, “…tonight, for the sake of our unity as a people and the strength of our democracy, I offer my concession.” Maybe someone should take a hint.

Dec. 17, 1791 – Bill of Rights Ratified. More than two years after the first Congress approved twelve Amendments to the Constitution, Virginia’s vote provided the majority necessary to ratify ten of them.

Thanks for your activism!

Tim Brown, Organizing Director


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