PNN’s mission is to engage, educate and empower our neighbors to make our City a better place to live. Here’s what’s coming up in each of these areas:
Engage: Support Our Immigrant Friends
Educate: Educational Equality Forum
Empower: Tell Mayor Parker to Stand Against ICE Raids

Call Mayor Parker to Take a Stand Against ICE Round-ups in Philly
The ICE raid on a car wash in North Philly was a stark reminder of what’s at stake in our city. Seven immigrants - most of whom have lived in the U.S. for over a decade - were detained. This devastating action tears families apart, spreads fear, and brings chaos and violence to our community.
While the Sanctuary City policy does not block ICE agents from operating in Philadelphia, it does block part of the deportation machine by barring Philly police from collaboration, and helps keep families together.
Call our Mayor today and demand that our city stand against ICE’s harmful operations and defend our Sanctuary City policy. Together, we can protect our neighbors, defend our values, and keep families safe.
Mayor’s Office Number: (215) 686-2181
p.s. Tell her that our football team's name is spelled E. A. G. L. E. S., Eagles!
How to Support Our Friends in the Immigrant Community
With increased ICE raids happening across the city since Trump's inauguration, many of us in Philly are hyper-aware of danger to our immigrant neighbors. We're lucky to have local advocacy groups that have been fighting for immigrant rights for generations, well before 47 came into office. All of the following organizations need our support - through recurring financial donations or fundraiser events, material goods donation drives, and/or volunteer time.
Click on the link below for more information on how you can help and share with your friends who are looking to get involved.
Educational Equality Forum
Wednesday, February 19th, 7PM-9PM, 6001 Germantown Ave
Join with our allies from Juntos, Lift Every Voice Philly and Every Voice Every Vote at First United Methodist Church of God for a discussion about making Philly schools humane spaces. This forum will be advocating for the rights and needs of public school kids, especially those most impacted, like immigrants, LGBTQ and black and brown children. Those who attend will hear details from State Rep Chris Rabb, Lift Executive Director Shanee Garner, Kristina Moon from Education Law Center and Erika Nunez from Juntos.
This Week in History
Jan 31, 1986 – 13th Amendment. By a vote of 121-24, Congress passed the 13th Amendment of US Constitution, abolishing slavery in the US.
Feb 2, 1887 – First Groundhog Day. Punxsutawney Phil made his debut on this day at Gobbler's Knob, PA. An imagining of German settlers, this tradition has become a fun prediction of the coming weather.
Feb 5, 1994 – Justice Delayed. More than 30 years after committing this heinous act, the white supremacist murderer of Civil Rights leader Medgar Evers was convicted.
Feb 6, 1820 – Immigration Freedom. The first organized immigration of freed enslaved people to Africa from the United States departed New York harbor on a journey to Freetown, Sierra Leone, in West Africa.
Thanks for your activism!
Tim Brown, Organizing Director