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Sign Up for Next Week’s Environment Action Forum, Kudos on Public Bank Action, Stop Judicial G

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As we come to the end of January, we have much to celebrate: A new President whose goal is to actually make our nation a better place to live; the introduction of a Public Banking bill for our City; and the start of our Action Committee work, beginning with our Environment Action Forum next week. We also have work to do, in particular, standing up to political manipulators who are hell-bent on gerrymandering our state-wide judiciary. Read on…

Join Our Environmental Action Forum on Feb 6th

Please join us for the 2021 Environmental Action Forum taking place next Saturday, February 6th from 4-5:30PM. Our guest speaker will be Christine Knapp, Director of the City Office of Sustainability, who will provide an overview of environmental work that needs to be done in Philadelphia.

You’ll also have an opportunity to share your thoughts in breakout groups as we talk about action-ready projects that could make a real difference in our City’s approach to Climate Change, and we’ll explore how you can become involved, individually or with other like-minded people in working groups.

You’ll receive the Zoom link and updates about the Forum!


Celebrating a Philly Public Bank Victory!

The long-anticipated bill to create a Philadelphia Public Bank was introduced by yesterday by Derek Green. Thank you, Councilmember Green! The bill has 11 cosponsors, which means it’s veto proof if all the signers stay aboard.

Just getting this bill introduced is a victory of the movement. We overcame what is probably the most powerful lobby in the nation, the banking lobby. That’s right, we beat Wells Fargo, Citibank, J.P. Morgan and all the rest. And we did it because so many of us raised our voices to inundate Council offices by email, tweet, phone call, text. Kudos to all of our activists who took part in this effort, which proved that activism works!

Of course, the battle is just beginning. But we have every confidence that with a united, strong movement behind this bill, Philadelphia will finally get its financial independence from Wall Street bankers.

P.S. If you’re as thrilled as we are about our success in advancing the creation of a Philadelphia public bank, remember the road ahead is still daunting. No one but PNN has the experience and know-how to finish this fight. Please help fund our work by Clicking Here.


We’re Going into Action. Join Us!

At our recent All-Hands meeting, we heard PNN’s Organizing Plan for 2021, work that includes our Division Captain program and our Action Committees which will be tackling economic justice, education, the environment, healthcare, housing and racial justice issues.

Now is the time for each of us to make a resolution for the New Year. If you’re reading this, then we both know that you have an interest in this work. So take a moment to click the link and make a commitment to doing something in your community with PNN. We’ll get you plugged into our workshops and actively engaged in making positive change!


Stop Judicial Gerrymandering

HB 38 seeks to amend the way Pennsylvanians elect judges and justices to our appellate courts, including our Supreme Court. Instead of electing them statewide, we will elect them from districts that, of course, would be drawn by members of the General Assembly. We must stop this power grab!

Over the past few weeks, momentum has been accelerating to stop PA HB 38 – which would divide Pennsylvania’s appellate court seats into judicial districts – from passing the General Assembly. For more information about this subject, click here. To learn more, join the Online event on Feb 3, 1pm, Say “No” to Gerrymandered Courts!HERE’S WHAT YOU CAN DO TO STOP JUDICIAL GERRYMANDERING:1. Email your state representatives and senators immediately. You can do that by clicking here.2.If you have the time and the inclination, you can write a letter to the editor of your local news source. Common Cause, PA has provided an easy tool for you to use.3.Don’t know what to write about? Here is some messaging guidance, courtesy of Commonwealth Communications.


This Week in History

Jan. 30, 1948 – Gandhi Killed. Mohandas Gandhi, the political and spiritual leader of the Indian independence movement, was assassinated in New Delhi by a Hindu extremist.

Jan. 31, 1865 – Slavery Abolished. The 13th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution passes, abolishing slavery in America. The amendment read, “Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude…shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.”

Feb. 1st 1961 – Peace Corps Born. JFK signed legislation establishing the Peace Corps as a new agency within the Department of State.

Thanks for your activism!

Tim Brown, Organizing Director


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