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Policing, Stop Evictions and Count Every Vote

Hi Tim,

The current kerfuffle over counting our votes is indicative of the deeper problems our society faces. In this newsletter, we attempt to show the relationship between race and class and policing, voter suppression and schooling, and we offer some ideas to address these problems. We also need you to take quick action to stop evictions, and join us at a rally to support the counting of every vote in Pennsylvania.

Policing, Voter Suppression & Unsafe Learning Conditions

On Wednesday, November 4, 2020, the Philadelphia Police released the video of police shooting Walter Wallace, Jr., and the 911 call, as well. The system that killed Walter Wallace Jr. is the same system that works to disenfranchise black voters, and that threatens the safety of our children, educators and communities during a pandemic. And it’s the same system that refuses to acknowledge that communities with the least violence are not the ones with the most police, but the ones with the most resources.

We believe that these fights are inseparable, and will work with our community to fight them together. And so will the elected officials who we helped put into office, like Rep. Chris Rabb, who has expedited legislation to create “Penn Corp” – an entity that will be used for mental health and wellness interventions as a first resort for vulnerable communities.

People with untreated mental illness are 16 times more likely to be killed by police. Walter Wallace, Jr. should be alive today. He should have been met with compassion, care and supports from mental health professionals who are trained to de-escalate a situation. Instead, he was met by a hail of bullets. We insist that trained medical and mental health professionals – not cops – should respond to calls for help during mental health crises in our City.



(Call Before 2PM on Friday, Nov 6th)

Help us reach out to the City Council Housing Committee members to ask them to extend the Eviction Moratorium – all three of the bills they passed unanimously last summer. Time is of the essence.

The hearing is TODAY, Friday, at 2 PM! Council has already had one full hearing a few weeks ago. When the vote was called after recess, certain Council members could not be reached on their cell phones and did not show up for the vote. They need to feel the pressure now!

Then call and/or email the members below before 2 PM, Friday Nov 6:

Cindy Bass,(215) 686-3424, (215) 686-3425

Maria D. Quiñones-Sánchez (215) 686-3448, (215) 686-3449

Katherine Gilmore Richardson, (215) 686-0454, (215) 686-0455

Mark Squilla, (215) 686-3458, (215) 686-3459

Alan Domb, (215) 686-3414, (215) 686-3415


Count Every Vote Rally, Saturday, Nov. 7th at 1PM

As we write this newsletter, we do not know for sure the outcome of the election with court challenges, recounts, and actions continuing to impede the counting. BUT WE DO KNOW THAT WE MUST ALL STAND TOGETHER AND INSIST THAT PENNSYLVANIA COUNT EVERY VOTE. Join us in a Rally for Life, Liberty and Democracy on Nov 7, Saturday, 1PM at Independence Hall.

Philadelphia Neighborhood Networks joins a broad coalition of labor unions and community groups to sponsor this rally. We lift up our voices to demand that PA votes be counted so that we can then address the issues facing us- COVID-19, the killing of black persons at the hands of police, and the economic inequality that plagues our nation.

A priority of the rally is safety and all attendees must commit at all times to wear a mask and practice non-violence. Together, we can ensure that Democracy prevails as we continue to fight for a country that works for all of us.


This Week in History:

Nov. 9th, 1989 – Berlin Wall Opened. East Germany opened the Wall to allow travel to the West. The next day, the wall was reduced to rubble by celebrants and souvenir hunters.

Nov. 10th, 1969 – Sesame Street Debuts. The pioneering television show was created to help prepare millions of underprivileged children spelling, math and empathy and continues its exemplary broadcasting today.

Nov. 11th, 1918 – WWI Ends. “The War to End All Wars” concludes when an exhausted Germany signs an armistice agreement with the Allies after a four-year war of attrition that claimed 9 million lives.


Thanks for your activism!

Tim Brown, Organizing Director


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