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PNN Newsletter: "Tax the Rich" Budget Rally, Join Our Budget "Media Blitz", More...

As you read this, our City's budget is being decided upon by our elected officials. Now is our opportunity to make our voices heard with a Rally/March to support progressive budget priorities, followed by a Media Blitz targeting City Council and the Mayor. You can watch a recap of Thursday evening's Budget Summit, as well as Tuesday's Public Bank Q&A with Derek Green. And be sure to check out what happened This Week in History.

Join Our "Tax the Rich" Rally for a Progressive Budget

Monday, June 7th, 4PM

We will be joining our progressive allies at City Hall (on the South Apron near the Catto statue) on Monday, June 7th to call for a budget that reflects the priorities of the majority of Philadelphians, and that finally taxes the wealthiest individuals, corporations and nonprofits who have been allowed to shirk their financial responsibilities to our City for decades.

The rally will feature a number of speakers, including our own, and will culminate in a march to the Chamber of Commerce office at the Belleview Hotel where we'll take on a giant pinata filled with budget demands. Sign up below to let us know you'll be joining us.


Sign Up for Our "Media Blitz" on the City Budget

Tuesday, June 8th, 7PM

Remember a few months ago when we conducted a "Media Blitz" of City Council to get co-sponsors for Derek Green's Public Banking Bill? Remember how we started with nobody and ended up with 12 co-sponsors by the end of the next day? Remember how much fun it was to see that our organizing moved people in power?

Well, we're going to do it again! On Tuesday, June 8th, we invite you to take part in a "Media Blitz" of City Council members and the Mayor to let them know what we want them to prioritize in this year's budget.

We're going to flood their phone lines and inboxes with calls and letters making clear our demands for a just budget. We will be making specific demands based on the information we gathered at our Budget Summit meeting we conducted on Thursday. As proposed, the Mayor’s budget takes many steps backward, away from equity, and away from racial justice. We cannot let it stand. Please sign up and pitch in to make a difference.

How Do We Choose Our Budget Priorities? By talking about them and voting on them. We began this process on Thursday evening's Budget Summit where concerned activists got together to learn the details of the Mayor's proposed budget, and had a chance to look at the historical trajectory of the City's budget over the past decade. Then we delved into budget solutions for some of the City's biggest problems, including healthcare, housing, the environment, education and jobs. Click here to watch a Recap of the Budget Summit.


Recap of Public Banking Q&A with Derek Green

This past Tuesday, we conducted our monthly "Financing Philadelphia's Future" Q&A hosted by our public banking champion, Councilmember Derek Green. We were joined by Maryrose Myrtetus, the Executive Director of Philadelphia Green Capital Corp who shared some great ideas for how to use the public bank to help turn Philly Green. Click the link below to see the recording of this meeting.


This Week in History

May 30, 1868 – Decoration Day Observed. The first major Memorial Day observance was held to honor those who died “in defense of their country during the late rebellion.” Known to some as “Decoration Day,” mourners honored the Civil War dead by decorating their graves with flowers.

May 31, 1921 – Tulsa Race Massacre. On this day, thousands of white citizens in Tulsa, Oklahoma descended on the city’s predominantly Black Greenwood District, burning homes and businesses to the ground and killing hundreds of people.

June 1, 1863 – Battle of Gettysburg. One of the largest military conflicts in North American history began on this day in Gettysburg, marking the turning point in the Civil War.

June 2, 1964 – Civil Rights Act. U.S. President Lyndon Johnson signed into law the historic Civil Rights Act in a nationally televised ceremony at the White House.

Thanks for your activism!

Tim Brown, Organizing Director


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