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PNN Newsletter: Take Our Summer Survey, Knock Doors in the Burbs, Philly Talks Trash, more

PNN’s mission is to engage, educate and empower our neighbors to make our City a better place to live. Here’s what’s coming up in each of these areas:

  • Engage: Take Our Summer Survey

  • Educate: Watch Derek Green on Public Bank Next Steps; Watch "Philly Talks Trash"

  • Empower: Knock Doors with Our Blue Pennsylvania Team; Sign Petition to Fix Harrisburg

Read on to find out the when, where, and how.

Take Our Summer Survey

What Do You Want to Do this Summer?

We have plenty of opportunities to stay involved in City politics this summer - from joining one of our Action Committees on Education, the Environment, Healthcare, Housing and Justice - or helping us canvass our neighbors early to get them to apply for a mail-in ballot (so we don't have to remind them again until the ballots are mailed).

Of course, we all know the link between electing progressives to office and getting what we want on issues, so we hope you're ready to do a little of both. Please fill out our Summer Survey below:


Philly Talks Trash: Litter and Dumping

Thursday, July 21st, 6:30 - 8:00PM

Construction and Demolition, or C&D Waste, is a by-product of home and commercial renovation, demolition, and new construction. To avoid the expense of proper disposal, contractors and unlicensed haulers dump the waste in parks, vacant lots, and public streets all over Philadelphia. Studies report that $48 million a year is spent in Philadelphia on clean-up and anti-litter programs with no discernible result.

This month’s Philly Talks Trash program discusses solutions to this issue with Shari Hersh, Director of Environmental Justice at Mural Arts Philadelphia, along with Teea Tynes, a Community Health Worker helping to combat dumping in her North Philadelphia neighborhood.

We'll also hear from Alan Burns of Burns & Co Waste Recycling Center, a business that recycles C&D waste, as well as Maurice Jones of PAR Recycle Works, a non-profit electronics recycler that provides transitional employment to people returning from prison. For more information and registration, please...


Tax the Ultra-Rich Rally

Sunday, July 24th, 12-3PM, City Hall North Apron

For too long, our tax laws have let the ultra-rich avoid that obligation. Income and wealth inequality keeps growing as the ultra-rich, corporate elite pay less and less in taxes than everyday working people like nurses and firefighters. Under-taxed billionaires are starving our communities of the resources we need.

On Sunday, July 24, the Pennsylvania Budget & Policy Center is hosting the "Tax the Ultra-Rich Now!" festival featuring federal, state, and local elected officials and community leaders, food and entertainment. There will be tables from organizations across the city to share informational materials. The rally will kick off at 1:30PM. No sign-up, just show up!


Green Lays Out Next Steps for Funding Public Bank

Recorded on June 31st

On the heels of the Mayor's rejection of the Public Banking mandate from City Council, Councilperson Derek Green, the proponent of the legislation, spoke with neighbors at the monthly Financing Philly's Future zoom meeting. Here is the link to the meeting on our YouTube channel:


Sign Petition to "Fix Harrisburg"

Before going into recess last Friday, Republicans in the PA House and Senate shoved through a vote that would rearrange the balance of power in PA and call multiple rights into question. Among the provisions for SB 106 were three new constitutional amendments:

  • government-issued voter ID required to be presented by every voter at every election

  • a provision that would allow the General Assembly to negate administrative regulations

  • another giving the legislature oversight of all election audits.

After heated discussion on the bill, the timing, the rules, and the tabling of amendments, the bill was passed by party line vote. Watch the meeting here.

This is emblematic of the broken process in Harrisburg and strongly illustrates the need for the Fix Harrisburg campaign. Join us as we sign our ally Fair District's petition to Fix Harrisburg. We're working on next steps and we'll keep you posted. Click to learn more.


Blue Pennsylvania Canvass Opportunities

Join us and our partners to canvass outside Philly for progressive candidates in neighboring Bucks and Montgomery Counties.


This Week in History

July 15, 1978 – The Longest Walk. On this day, a 2,800-mile trek for Native American justice that started with several hundred marchers in California—ends in Washington, D.C., accompanied by thousands of supporters to call attention to the mistreatment of First Americans.

July 17, 2020 – John Lewis Died. Civil Rights leader and U.S. Representative for Georgia John Lewis died at the age of 80. Before being elected to Congress, Lewis was the Chairman of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, and a chief organizer of the 1963 March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom .

July 19, 1848 – U.S. Women's Rights Movement Born. The Seneca Falls Convention was the first women's rights convention in the United States. The meeting was the start of a 70-year journey, which eventually led to women's suffrage.

July 20, 1969 – One Small Step for Man. On this day, astronaut Neil Armstrong stepped off the lunar module Eagle to become the first person to walk on the moon.

Thanks for your activism!

Tim Brown, Organizing Director


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