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PNN Newsletter: Krasner News, Harrisburg Conference, Art Show, More

PNN’s mission is to engage, educate and empower our neighbors to make our City a better place to live. Here’s what’s coming up in each of these areas:

  • Engage: Join Our Response Team on Krasner Impeachment

  • Educate: Watch Crisis in Our Prisons Townhall

  • Empower: Reclaiming Our Democracy Conference in Harrisburg

Read on to find out the when, where, and how.

GOP House Impeached Krasner. What's Next?

By now, you have probably heard that the PA State House, where Republicans hold a 23 seat advantage, voted to impeach DA Larry Krasner by a 107-85 vote, almost exclusively along party lines. Now, it moves to the PA Senate where it needs a trial to move forward.

What's Behind This Impeachment? We know that this impeachment is an attempt by hyper-partisans on their way out of power in Harrisburg to stick it to Philly one more time by removing our twice-elected District Attorney because they don't like his approach to the job.

And we know that there are some locals who would love to have the Republicans do their dirty work for them. What they fail to realize is that if they allow this to happen to Krasner, they are setting a dangerous precedent for the legislature to overturn the will of the people, something that the GOP will surely use should they ever get back in power.

What's Likely to Happen? We are hearing that the GOP senators would prefer that this go away - the election is over and they no longer need to use Krasner as their boogeyman. However, we think that they have painted themselves into a corner with the impeachment because once the articles have been moved to the senate they are required to act on it.

Here's How We Respond...

The coalition supporting Larry Krasner thinks that we have sufficient votes in the senate to stave off this undemocratic attempt to remove our D.A. But, we're still putting together a rapid response effort for if/when the GOP moves forward, which is likely to happen on or before November 30th.

It will include letting State Senators know that you support Larry Krasner and the democratic process by taking part in a call/email strategy designed to keep Democrats in the fold. When that moment comes, we will email instructions on how to reach out to our elected officials and what message to leave.


Tonight: Gina Michaels Solo Exhibit at Facture Art Gallery

Opening Reception, Friday, Nov 18th, 6PM-9PM, 30 West Sharpnack Street

Join us this evening for an opening reception at Facture Art Gallery for a solo exhibit of the work of artist Gina Michaels. Many of our volunteers know her work from their visits to her art studio on Lena Street, which is where PNN launches our canvasses.

The exhibit, entitled "Human Nature", will showcase a broad variety of Gina's work, including several new pieces. The exhibit will run from tomorrow, until December 17th, but come this evening to show support for one of our fellow activists.


Reclaiming Our Democracy Conference in Harrisburg

Saturday, December 3rd, 9AM-4:30PM, 23 S. 2nd Street, Harrisburg

Join our allies Fair Districts, along with volunteers, supporters, academics, press and legislators for a one-day redistricting and rules reform conference in Harrisburg. There is a $40 fee to help cover the costs of the conference, which will be held at the Crowne Hotel in downtown Harrisburg.


Watch: Crisis In Our Prisons Townhall

This town hall took place on October 27th and was sponsored by the Prison Oversight Coalition, of which PHH is a member. It included experts from the coalition as well as family members of prisoners who are living in inhumane conditions in our local prisons. You'll hear the latest on what is being done to address the numerous problems they discovered.


This Week in History

Nov 18, 1872 – Anthony Arrested for "Illegal Voting". Two weeks after voting in the presidential election, civil rights activist Susan B. Anthony was arrested, and fined $100 for voting illegally. “I shall never pay a dollar of your unjust penalty,” she said.

Nov. 19, 1863 – Gettysburg Address. This day marks the anniversary of Lincoln's famous address to commemorate those lost in the battle, and to remind a war-weary public why the Union had to fight, and win, the Civil War.

Nov 22, 1963 – JFK Assassinated. Still swathed in conspiracy theories, on this day our 35th president was assassinated while traveling through Dallas, Texas, in an open-top convertible.

Nov 24, 1859 – Theory of Evolution. British naturalist Charles Darwin published "On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection" which introduced the theory of evolution to the world. More than 160 years later religious fundamentalist continue to reject the science.

Thanks for your activism!

Tim Brown, Organizing Director


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