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PNN Newsletter: Join Our "Big Canvass", Festival in Germantown, Public Bank Action @ City Hall, More

PNN’s mission is to engage, educate and empower our neighbors to make our City a better place to live. Here’s what’s coming up in each of these areas:

  • Empower: Join "Big Canvass" Rally; Standing Up to Political Theater; Become a Poll Worker

  • Engage: Public Bank Action at City Hall; Non-Violent Direct Action Workshops

  • Educate: Join the "92.9 Day Festival"; Women's Forum; Grassroots Leadership Training

Read on to find out the when, where, and how.

Join Our "Big Canvass" Rally with Art Haywood & Chris Rabb

Sunday, October 9th, 11AM, 5535 Lena St, Germantown

On Sunday, October 9th, we will be conducting our "Big Canvass" Rally with special guests State Senator Art Haywood and State Rep. Chris Rabb to turn out the vote for Josh Shapiro and John Fetterman! The rally will take place at 11AM at The Studio at 5535 Lena Street in Germantown and will be followed by - you guessed it - a "Big Canvass" to turn out the vote!

Make no mistake, the negative lies that Oz has been saturating the air waves with have tightened up the race enough to cause concern and it is up to Philly to motivate those folks who would otherwise sit out this election to go to the polls on Election Day.

Can't Make Oct 8th? Commit to Another Shift.

We will gather every Saturday at 10 AM at the Studio, 5535 Lena St, in Germantown and every Sunday at 11AM at Lovett Library, 6945 Germantown Avenue in Mt. Airy. We will train you on the best techniques to convey the urgency of our message to our neighbors, and then we will buddy you up with a partner to knock doors. So sign up for this weekend or any weekend day you are available from now until the Election!


Blue Pennsylvania Canvass Opportunities This Week

Join us and our partners to canvass outside Philly for progressive candidates in neighboring counties.

  • Sunday, Sept. 25th for for Tim Brennan and other Democratic candidates, 4486 Longview Ln, Doylestown, PA, SIGN UP HERE


Make Some Extra Cash by Becoming a Poll Worker

Philadelphia is in need of volunteers to help staff polling places and provide interpretation services on Election Day. And the base pay for city poll workers was recently increased to $200 with a $50 bonus for attending training. Bilingual interpreters are paid $180 for their services on Election Day. Poll workers who also serve as interpreters can earn a maximum of $295.

If you know anyone who may be interested about serving as a poll worker, they can sign up for information sessions here. See also this toolkit by All Voting is Local for recruiting multilingual poll workers.


Need Another Reason to Vote? Check Out This Video on Gun Violence

Homicides have accelerated more precipitously across the state than homicides in Philadelphia. According to various data sources, homicides in the state of Pennsylvania increased 34%, from 669 in 2019 to 1,009 in 2020, while homicides in Philadelphia increased 29% in the same period, from 356 in 2019 to 499 in 2020.

Yet Republican state legislators would rather scapegoat Larry Krasner for everything that's wrong with Pennsylvania than blame their sponsors from the NRA. The fact is that they are a big part of the problem.


The Oz Spectacle: Standing Up to Political Theater

Opinion: Tonya Bah & Tim Brown

When we learned on Sunday evening that Mehmet Oz was coming to the neighborhood of our Germantown members for a “Safer Streets Community Discussion” on Monday morning, we assumed that our members would be welcome to attend. Folks arrived expecting an opportunity to share their feelings around abortion bans, mandatory minimum sentences, lack of good jobs, and lax gun regulations - the true causes of the rise in violent crime in our city.

Instead, a Monday that started out full of promise soon became a scene straight out of a made for Lifetime movie. What our members found was a barricade that stopped us from gaining access and blocked any opportunity for actual legitimate “conversation” to take place. We were told that this event was “invitation only” and that we were not invited. In fact, when we protested this lack of access, we were treated to a volatile rant by one of the event’s organizers.


Visit the "92.9 Day Festival"

Saturday, September 24th, 12PM-6PM, Maplewood Mall

Join the festivities in Germantown at the 92.9 Day Festival to celebrate Germantown Radio's fourth year serving the community. There will be a bike parade, line dancing, a bookmobile and face painting for the kids. There will also be live music and performances throughout the day. You can even bring your favorite CD and play your song on the radio! The festival is a free event at the Maplewood Mall located at Germantown and Greene Sts.


Learn Direct Action Tactics Against Refinery Land-Grab

Multiple Training Opportunities

150 years ago the Atlantic Refining Company placed a poisonous fossil fuel plant in the middle of a black neighborhood in South Philly, thus deciding to place hundreds working people and children in danger of contracting cancer and other diseases.

Today Hilco, a billion dollar corporation, plans to use this still-polluted land for warehouses and other development without allowing for any input from the neighbors who must live with the results.

That's why our friends at Philly Thrive and Sunrise Philadelphia are planning a series of workshops to teach non-violent direct action tactics to neighbors and allies, to put up an effective resistance to Hilco's land grab. To learn more, click on the link below.


Women's Forum in Germantown

Sunday, October 2nd, 5PM, 6511 Lincoln Drive

Join Councilmembers Helen Gym and Cindy Bass for a Women's Forum: "Raise Your Voice! Create Change!" at the Unitarian Society of Germantown on Sunday, October 2nd.

Also speaking will be Susan Gobreski from the League of Women Voters, Youth Activist Sadie Batchis, Christine Castro from Women's Law Project, Angelique Houston from PA Youth Vote and Lee Smith from New Voices for Reproductive Justice among others. The Forum promises to be an evening of energizing conversation where everyone will learn to be a more effective advocate for women's rights. Click below to register.


Public Bank Action at City Hall

Friday, October 7th, 12PM, South Apron of City Hall

Join PNN and the Public Banking Coalition as we make some "good trouble" at City Hall on October 7th to put City Council and Mayoral candidates on notice that we expect them to fully support the funding and operation of a Philadelphia Public Bank.

We will send a delegation of public bank advocates to the Mayor's office to deliver charges of law violations for his failure to appoint a board of directors to the Philadelphia Public Financial Authority. We will serve James F. Kenney with a People’s Subpoena ordering him to appear before the People’s Economic Forum next month.

Come help serve the People’s Subpoena and charge the scofflaw Mayor Kenney with dereliction of duty.

Let’s make some good trouble show this city that the People are standing up for economic justice and holding law breaking public officials accountable!


Apply for BOLT Grassroots Leadership Training

October 11, 2022 - May 26, 2023

Are you a grassroots leader in Philadelphia looking to expand your capacity? Are you looking to learn new community organizing & strategic management skills, gain access to an expanded network, and effectively raise funds to support your work? Apply to the BOLT School of Grassroots Leadership.

This program requires a long-term commitment on your part - fours hours per week from October thru May, with a mix of virtual and in-person workshops. It is available for both students and adults and there is a stipend available. To learn more, email Philly Bolt or click the link below.


This Week in History

Sep 24, 1789 – Supreme Court Established. A tribunal of six justices, led by Chief Justice John Jay, became the top interpreters of U.S. law.

Sep 25, 1957 – Little Rock Nine. Under escort from the U.S. Army, nine black students entered the all-white Central High School in Little Rock, AR.

Sep 28, 1864 – International Workingman's Association. In response to harsh working conditions and poor wages, Karl Marx, Fredrich Engels and others founded the IWA.

Thanks for your activism!

Tim Brown, Organizing Director


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