There is much to do in the next few weeks. We've got a Primary Election coming up on May 18th and we still have lots of doors to flyer for Larry Krasner, so sign up to do your own neighborhood; then take a shift at your polling place on Election Day. You'll find important information about your mail-in ballot and please consider PNN’s endorsements & recommendations below when you vote. Watch the Plastics Reduction Forum sponsored by Weavers Way on Thursday. And be sure to sign up to take part in organizing around our City's budget on May 20th. Then find out what happened this week in history.
This Week: Flyer Your Neighborhood for Larry
If you haven't yet signed up to help us flyer our neighborhood to help Larry Krasner and our slate of progressive judges, then please take a moment to sign up below.
Pick-Up Your Flyers and Packet at 5535 Lena Street this Saturday between 10-11AM. You can make a big impact in this low-turnout election by distributing a flyer to the doors of your neighbors in the few blocks around your home. Let's not sit home while the other side organizes.
Can't Make it this Saturday, but Want to Help? Click the link below.
Watch the Krasner-Vega Debate
The debate for the District Attorney's office was quite a show as the candidates clashed over their positions on the issues. Krasner continually called out Vega about his lies and misinformation about the Krasner team's work, while touting an 85% conviction rate on violent crime, increased hiring diversity within the DA’s office, and expanded victim assistance programs - following through on his promises to reform the City’s criminal justice system.
Vega, on the other hand, made it clear that he is carrying the banner for the FOP and wants to return to the regressive policies of the past.
In case you missed the Krasner-Vega debate, you can watch it here.
Election Day: Help at Your Polling Place
We want to cover all the polling places in our territory on Election Day to offset what we anticipate as heavy coverage by the other guys. Please let us know if you can help by clicking the link below and signing up.
PNN Endorsements & Recommendations/Mail-In Ballots
Many voters are now completing and sending off their mail ballots. In filling out your ballot, please consider the PNN endorsements and recommendations for offices, judgeships and all five ballot questions.
Plan to Vote by Mail?
You must apply for your mail ballot by May 11th You must act now to apply for your ballot if you have not already done so. To apply, go to , click "Voters" and then "Mail-In and Absentee Ballots”.
Your mail ballot must be received by May 18th.
Complete mail ballot properly. Fill out your selections (be sure to vote on the ballot measures on the back side of the ballot). Put your ballot in the security envelope BEFORE putting it in the outer envelope to mail it.
Return your Completed Ballot by mail or at a Drop Box:
Click Here for All 14 Drop Box Locations that are open 24/7
Mobile Staffed Ballot Drop Off Events - 2 hour events across the city
Please make sure to vote and make a difference in this primary election.
Plastic Reductions Task Force Forum at Weavers Way
Thursday, May 13th, 6:30PM
The sad truth is, our laws are designed to accommodate pollution rather than prevent it. People feel powerless when it comes to preserving the quality of their water, air, public parks, and special natural spaces.
The solution, argues Delaware Riverkeeper Maya K. van Rossum, is to bypass the laws and turn to the ultimate authority: our state and federal constitutions. Sign up below to find out how we can do this.
Post-Election: Want to Have a Voice on the City Budget?
Thursday, May 20th, 7PM
The City budget is a moral document; it tells the world what our people are willing to pay for out of their collective pockets, and what they’re not willing to pay for. And it also dictates who does the paying: those who can afford to, and who actually reap the most benefits from government, or those who can barely make ends meet even before taxes. This year an amazing progressive coalition has emerged to insist that City Council make the right choices.
Philly Neighborhood Networks is a leader in this coalition and we need your input on what you think the budget should prioritize. Please be with us on May 20th to join the conversation, and then learn how you can personally play a role in seeing our shared priorities become reality.
For our take on the general direction we think Council should take on the budget, click here to see Vice-Chair Stan Shapiro’s testimony he delivered to City Council on Wednesday.
Join an Action Committee or Working Group
Committees meet to discuss the broad range of issues we should work on within a variety of categories, and our Working Groups develop specific campaigns to take on and develop plans. Take this opportunity to join any of our Action Committees and Working Groups as we begin to decide our work for the year.
:: Waste Working Group Meeting, Sun, May 16th, 4:30PM
We will focus on planning for the "Break Free from Plastics Forum" in July. All those who wish to work on that event should please attend this session. Watch your email as we hope to send additional information in preparation for the meeting. Get the Link
Isn't it Time You Joined an Action Committee?
Join an Action Committee for Economic Justice, Education, the Environment, Healthcare, Housing and Electoral Politics. To get started, email
Got a Student Interested in Science & Nature?
Philadelphia Water Works will be conducting a 2-day program that includes the exploration of how land-use in the area impacts water quality of the Schuylkill River, water quality testing and kayaking on a portion of the river or a tributary. The program will take place the weekend of June 25 & 26, from 9am-5pm. Students will share the results of their adventures at a virtual summit on Sunday, June 27 from 1pm-3pm. Schuylkill Acts and Impacts is free and open to all high school students. To apply , students must download, complete, and submit an application by May 14th. Email with questions.
This Week in History
May 7, 1945 – Nazis Surrender. On this day, the German High Command unconditionally surrendered the Allied forces, ending the war in Europe.
May 9, 1960 – "The Pill" Approved. The FDA gave its approval to the birth control pill, giving women some agency over their reproductive rights.
May 10, 1994 – Mandela Inaugurated. After spending 27 years as a political prisoner, Nelson Mandela is sworn-in as South Africa's president.
Thanks for your activism!
Tim Brown, Organizing Director