PNN’s mission is to engage, educate and empower our neighbors to make our City a better place to live. Here’s what’s coming up in each of these areas:

Engage: Wister Woods Community Cookout
Educate: Beware Funding Scammers, "Bad Things" Movie Screening
Empower: Become a Paid Canvasser, Help with Voter Registration
Harris Campaign Warns, Beware Funding Scammers!
If you’ve contributed to a political campaign in the last decade, you are no doubt getting inundated with emails and texts from shady political organizations. The text and email campaigns have grown so widespread that the Harris campaign made the rare decision to send up a public flare, warning recipients not to be duped.
“Voters have been inundated with text messages and other solicitations from political action committees claiming to support the Vice President or working to defeat Donald Trump,” said Lauren Hitt, a Harris campaign spokesperson, in a statement last week. “In reality, these are financial scams from bad actors trying to take advantage of the urgency Democrats are feeling in this moment. We’re urging our supporters to be careful when they donate. The only committees raising money directly for our campaign are Harris for President, Harris Victory Fund, and Harris Action Fund.” Click for more details.
Stop the Violence Community Cookout
Sunday, August 4, 10AM-6PM, Wister Woods Park, Belfield & Lindley Ave.
The Elks local chapter is hosting a "Stop the Violence & Save the Children" cookout this Sunday at Wister Woods Park located at Belfield and Lindley Avenues. This free event will include food, games, a DJ and entertainment for the children. It will also include information on community resources, mentoring programs, housing information, technical training and job offers.
"Bad Things Happen in Philadelphia"
Movie Screening, Tuesday, August 6, 8PM, Roberts & Wissahickon Ave.
Join neighbors for a screening of "Bad Things Happen in Philadelphia" in Fernhill Park, located at Roberts and Wissahickon Aves. Directed by Kyra Knox, it tells the stories of those affected by gun violence, especially young people, as well as the grassroots efforts that are fighting back. This is part of an all-day community event that includes family activities such as kickball, from 10 am to 6 pm, and the free screening at 8pm.
Are You Ready to Buddy Canvass?
Mid-August thru Election Day, in Mt Airy
Sign up to canvass in Wards 22 and 59 starting mid-August - to talk with voters (particularly, low-turnout) about Kamala Harris' record and plans for the future, the nefarious plans of Trump/Vance and the GOP's Project 2025, and why their vote can make the difference in winning Pennsylvania.
If you'd like to help this summer, whether it's buddy canvassing, postcards, planning/staffing events, make phone calls or you've got another idea, please Click Here to let us know.
Paid Canvass Opportunities
Thru the Summer Until Election Day
We will announce our first canvass prep workshop next week.
If you or someone you know would like to get paid to talk with your neighbors, then click on the link below to sign up. PNN is looking to hire people to canvass neighbors in select communities in the city. You must be personable, responsible to the work, have a smart phone, and be willing to learn how to use the MiniVAN app to capture information from the people you talk with at the doors.
Work is typically a five-hour shift with a paid half hour break taken from that time. At the start of each shift, you'll get a List Number that you'll input into the MiniVAN app. You'll be given instructions - and practice - on what to say at the doors, how to record information in MiniVAN, and how to close out your shift.
Canvassers are paid $20/hr for five hours for a total of $100 per shift. Accommodations can be made on hours and days to fit personal schedules. You can work as often as you like within program limits.
Voter Registration Opportunities
If you would like to take part in upcoming Voter Registration opportunities, we will be tabling at the following events:
Sat, Aug 10 - Wayne Avenue Community Comeback (4810 Wayne Av)
Sat, Aug 17 - Wallace Playground Park Clean-Up (33rd & Wallace St)
Sun, Aug 25 - Back-to-School Event (Piccoli Playground)
This Week in History
Aug 3, 1981 – Air Traffic Controllers Strike. Due to insufficient pay and long hours in a stressful environment, the U.S. Air Traffic Controllers (PATCO) went on strike, shutting down both passenger and freight travel. Two days later, then-president Ronald Reagan fired all 11,000 workers thus setting the stage for the decades of right-wing sabotage of the rights of workers to organize and strike.
Aug 6,1945 – Hiroshima Destroyed. On this day, the United States dropped an atomic bomb on the Japanese city of Hiroshima, instantly killing 80,000 people. Another 60,000 would die of the effects of radioactive fallout.
Aug 8, 1974 – Nixon Resigned. Following an exhaustive investigation into what became known as the Watergate scandal, Richard Nixon became the first President to resign from office.
Thanks for your activism!
Tim Brown, Organizing Director