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PNN Newsletter: All-Hands Meeting Tomorrow at 2PM in Germantown!

Saturday, January 25th, 2-4PM, 5722 Greene Street (GLEC)

Our All-Hands Meeting this Saturday in Germantown promises to be the most consequential in our 20-year history. Join us as we hear from some great speakers who will help us explore the ways in which we can fight back against this fascist regime, and then settle in with fellow attendees to discuss a range of strategies to combat the monstrous policies now emanating from the White House every day. We'll also discuss how we can build our own local initiatives to support our communities that will be here after we rid ourselves of the orange menace.

The event will be held at Germantown Life Enrichment Center (GLEC) located at 5722 Greene Street, across from Vernon Park, starting at 2PM. There is free parking at the lot next door.

Here's what to expect at our meeting:

  • Our keynote address will be given by Mike Lee, Executive Director of ACLU Pennsylvania.  

  • Other speakers, including Councilperson Rue Landau; State Senator Art Haywood; State Representative Andre Carroll; Marc Stier, Executive Director of the PA Policy Center; SEIU's Wendell Royster and Rev. Greg Holston, will address the crises we'll face from the new regime, and what we plan to do about it.

  • You'll hear from subject matter experts about how we plan to defend our Civil Rights & Liberties - on issues like immigration, abortion, free speech, and prison justice.

  • We'll talk about how to Protect our Social Services against an onslaught of federal cuts in programs such housing, education, health care, Medicare and Social Security, and how our state and city elected officials can step up to provide needed services, as well as what we can do as neighbors to support each other.

  • Gail Loney from Stadium Stompers will talk about housing, Michael Churchill from Public Interest Law Center will discuss education, John Thompson and Samantha Lew from the Abolitionist Law Center will discuss prison justice, Rose Johnson from Blue Pennsylvania will talk about state issues, Stan Shapiro from the Philly Revenue Project will tell us about progressive revenue strategies, and Mitch Channin will discuss environmental issues.

  • You can take part in one of our Breakout Sessions on these issues.

  • You'll learn about the work already underway on local campaigns right here in Philly against the billionaire class that Trump is fronting for.

  • And we will share ideas that we and our allies are developing to strengthen our connections to communities around the city, and across the state.

Kindly sign up so we can get a head count for the meeting.


Contact Dave Sunday About Birthright Citizenship

The recent executive order to terminate the birthright citizenship of children born in the United States to undocumented immigrants happened roughly at the same time that Dave Sunday was being sworn in as Pennsylvania's new Attorney General.  

Sunday is still in the process of navigating his way around the office, but given the severity and suddenness of this executive order, combined with the fact that a coalition of 18 attorneys general from around the country are already taking legal action against this order, Sunday needs to be brought up to speed immediately, and urged to join this coalition.

Please contact Sunday's office ASAP to ask him to include Pennsylvania in this lawsuit. The phone number for his office is 717-787-3391.  

You can also write to him by logging onto  

Under "Questions Concerning", click on "Public Engagement and Outreach",  

Sample language is:

Attorney General Sunday,

I am writing to ask your office to join the coalition of 18 Attorneys General across the United States in challenging the recent executive order to end automatic citizenship for the American-born children of undocumented immigrants.  

This order clearly conflicts with Section 1 of the Fourteenth Amendment which states that “All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.”  

I urge you to join the 18 other Attorneys General across the nation who have challenged this order and to uphold the Constitution of the United States.


This Week in History

Jan 26, 1907 – Tillman Act. In an attempt to curtail what they viewed as political campaign funding abuses, Congress passed the Tillman Act, banning corporations from expending money from their treasuries to influence a federal election. Campaign contributions are now recognized as a form of speech partly protected by the First Amendment.

Jan 28, 1825 – Trail of Tears. Congress approved "Indian Territory" in present-day Oklahoma, clearing the way for the forced relocation of the Eastern native tribes.

Jan 28, 1986 – Challenger Explosion. Space Shuttle Challenger exploded shortly after takeoff, killing all seven crew members.

Thanks for your activism!

Tim Brown, Organizing Director


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