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PNN Newsletter: All Hands Meeting on Saturday, Housing Waitlist, Build Filter Boxes, More

PNN’s mission is to engage, educate and empower our neighbors to make our City a better place to live. Here’s what’s coming up in each of these areas:

  • Engage: Help Build Air Filters for a School; Join Justice Picket IV

  • Educate: Housing Voucher Program Deadline Next Week

  • Empower: Sign Up for Annual "All Hands" Meeting

Annual "All-Hands" Membership Meeting

Saturday, January 28th, 3PM-4:30PM, Virtual

Join us as we gather for our annual All-Hands Meeting, taking place virtually (via Zoom) tomorrow - Saturday, January 28th starting at 3PM.

PNN-endorsed candidate for Mayor Helen Gym will kick off our meeting as she shares her vision for the city and her priorities should she get elected.

Then State Rep Chris Rabb will talk about what’s on the horizon in Harrisburg with this new political lineup, and how it could affect Philly. We'll highlight our accomplishment, and provide opportunities to engage on important issues that will help move us forward in 2023.


Picket for Justice, Part IV

Wednesday, February 1st, 11AM-1PM, CJC, 1301 Filbert Street

Join us at the Criminal Justice Center on February 1st as we continue to picket for justice and call on Judge Genece Brinkley to resign.

Genece Brinkley's behavior on the bench has been so egregious that she was transferred from criminal to civil court and is facing legal battles for her misconduct.

That’s why we are reaching out for a response of solidarity to call upon Genece Brinkley to resign from her position as judge in Philadelphia. Brinkley has caused serious and direct harm to members of our communities by incarcerating them on illegal sentences and unjust detainers, and she has abused the public trust through unprofessional and unethical conduct. It is time for Genece Brinkley to go.


Want to Help Build Corsi-Rosenthal Boxes?

Wednesday, February 8th, 3PM-4:30PM, Lingelbach Elementary,6340 Wayne Ave

If you want to help the Lingelbach Elementary school build 25 inexpensive air filters for their students, then we're looking for you! The Corsi-Rosenthal Box fan air filter is a DIY air filter made from a box fan and air conditioner filters. Here is some data from air tests at Lingelbach that highlight the need for these filters.

Ideally, we would have 2 adults and one student to build each filter. This will also be an opportunity for folks to get plugged into the larger building conditions fight, because we know these filters are not a permanent solution.


ALERT: Online Housing Voucher Program Ends Feb 5th!

You have less than two weeks before the Housing Choice Voucher Waitlist closes it's online lottery. If you know someone who may need this help. please share the link with them to get signed up before Sunday, February 5th at 6PM.

Families and individuals can apply to participate in the lottery program that will award 10,000 qualified winners a position on the waitlist.


This Week in History

Jan 27, 1945 – Auschwitz Liberated. On this day, Soviet troops entered Auschwitz, Poland, freeing the survivors of the network of concentration camps and revealing to the world the depth of the horrors perpetrated there.

Jan 28, 1986 – Shuttle Disaster. After many delays, the space shuttle Challenger took off from Cape Canaveral. Less than two minutes into the flight, the Challenger exploded killing all seven astronauts aboard.

Feb 1, 1961 – Peace Corps Established. JFK established the Peace Corps as a new agency within the Department of State, who would send trained American men and women to foreign nations to assist in development efforts. Thousands of young Americans volunteered.

Thanks for your activism!

Tim Brown, Organizing Director


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