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PA must join RGGI (Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative)

Please considering calling or writing Gov Wolf. Use Lou Ann’s letter below as a guide.


Dear Governor Wolf,

I’m writing to encourage you to lead Pennsylvania in joining the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative and to attend the public meeting in Baltimore on September 25th. In this morning’s New York Times Opinion Page, the lead piece titled: States Dare to Think Big on Climate rightly calls out our state of PA to consider joining nine northeastern states in the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI).

Here’s why it’s time for PA to join RGGI :

  1. States in the RGGI “…substantially reduced emissions at little cost to states’ economies or consumers.”

  2. The initiative has raised $2.7 billion, “which the states invested in energy efficiency, in helping low income people pay electricity bills and in renewable sources of power like wind and solar.”

  3. Electricity rates have fallen by an average of 3.4% in the nine states that are part of RGGI

  4. The economies have grown faster in the member states than economies in the rest of the country

  5. Reducing pollution that causes respiratory illnesses and other diseases, provided nearly $6 billion in public health benefits.

I am horrified at the inaction of political leaders with ties to the oil and gas industry who continue to fill their own pockets with investments in the fossil fuel industry as the effects of Climate Change destroy our cities like we are now witnessing in Houston, Texas. It is way past time to act to protect our land, our waters, our health and communities. There is never a convenient time to stop feeding an addiction. One just realizes the doom that inevitably results from continuing on a path that is destructive.

Governor Wolf, it is crucial you use your power to take our state of PA in the right direction. I pray you find the moral courage to do the right thing and lead our state of PA to join the RGGI.


Lou Ann Merkle


Ways to reach Governer Tom Wolf

  1. Facebook: @governorwolf

  2. Twitter: @GovernorTomWolf

  3. Phone: 717.787.2500

  4. Mail: 508 E floor, Main Capitol Bldg, Harrisburg PA 17120

  5. e-mail:


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