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Latest on Refinery Cleanup, Poor People’s Campaign, This Week in History and More…

In this week’s newsletter we’ll update you on a report from the Poor People’s Campaign, bring you up to date on the cleanup efforts at the old refinery and, of course, give you an opportunity to talk with voters about the upcoming election. Finally, we’ll be asking you to save some very important dates.

Poor People’s Report

For the past three years the Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival has been enlightening decision-makers and showing the nation that 140 million poor and low-income people are building a new and unsettling force.

Now they have released a compelling report that demonstrates that the number of non-voting poor and low-income eligible voters far exceeds the margin of victory in recent elections in many states, potentially shifting the political terrain for national, state and local races for years to come. It is incumbent upon us to stand together to build power, first by defeating a wannabe dictator, then by holding the new president’s feet to the fire on issues long-ignored by those in positions of power.


Sign Up for a Shift on the Phones

We are 81 days away from Election Day and our need to reach out to our neighbors to get their commitment to vote continues to mount. We must win this election in a big way, so that you-know-who’s cries of “fraud” are buried under a mountain of ballots.Think about this: In 2016, 238,000 Philadelphians stayed home and Trump won the state by 44,292 votes. A lot of those non-voters were from our neighborhoods in NW Philly. We are the key to winning Philly, Philly is the key to winning PA and no Democrat wins the Presidency without PA. Our work can quite literally be the difference in the 2020 election. So sign up to take a shift on the phones talking with your neighbors about why this election is so important.


Virtual Panel on Election Integrity, Aug 19

The ACLU will join City Commissioners and the Committee of Seventy to discuss “Making Every Voter Count: How We Can Ensure a Free and Equal Election in Philadelphia’ on Wednesday, Aug 19 from 4-5:30PM. This virtual presentation, will cover some of the key issues ahead of the November election, including (a) the efforts being made to ensure that every voter can cast his or her ballot safely and have that vote be counted; (b) the plan to address the overwhelming administrative and financial challenges in preparing for the election as well as to rebut wild misinformation about the integrity of the voting process; and (c) how regular Philadelphians can play a part in election integrity. Click Here to Register for this Event


Refinery Cleanup Public Session, Aug 27

Join us on Thursday, Aug 27, 6:30-8:30 PM for an informational session conducted by Evergreen around the Environmental Cleanup of the former Philly Refinery. The purpose of this session is to provide the community with an overview of the environmental investigations, cleanup activities and public review of reports.

The event link will be posted on Evergreen’s website at least 24 hours prior to the event time under the Public Involvement tab. OR you can Call 1-844-855-4444, Access Code 6716760# (Listen-only)


Forum on Creation of a Philadelphia Public Bank, Sep 1 – Save the Date

This event will explain why and how creation of a Philadelphia Public Bank can free up tens, and eventually hundreds, of millions of dollars for investment in Philadelphia communities in need. Experts will detail how the impact can be felt in a wide variety of areas, such as job creation, support for co-ops, the fight against gentrification, creation of a sustainable environment, and dismantling systemic racism in our local economy. Councilman Derek Green will also participate and bring us all up to date on what we can do to make a Philly Public Bank a reality.


This Week in History

Aug, 14, 1935 – Social Security Bill Signed: Following the huge unemployment and suffering during the Depression President Roosevelt signed the social security bill providing unemployment compensation and pensions for the elderly.Aug 15, 1969 – U.S.A. Woodstock Music Festival: Farmer Max Yasgur opens his land to 500,000 rock music fans going to this “Peace and Harmony Music Festival” that has become a music and cultural legend. Thanks or all you do!

Tim Brown, Projects Organizer


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