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Krasner Fundraiser, Earth Day Activities, Action Committees and More…

We have a number of events coming up in the next two weeks, including a joint fundraiser with District Attorney Larry Krasner, a book launch by one of our members, and Earth Day actions. And don’t forget to sign up for one of our Action Committees or Working Groups.

Krasner/PNN Joint-Fundraiser, April 13th @ 7PM

On April 13th at 7 PM we will all have an opportunity to support two great causes with one click of a mouse. Philly Neighborhood Networks will be having a 50/50 fundraiser with our endorsed candidate for D.A. Larry Krasner, a rare politician who has actually kept his promises once elected:

  1. Reduced the number of years people unnecessarily spend behind bars

  2. Kept kids in juvenile court

  3. Exonerated the innocent

  4. Directed the resources of the D.A.’s office to the most serious offenses

  5. Held police accountable for their abuses of power

Most importantly, Larry has continued to work with leaders in the community to address the root causes of violence, because he knows that improving schools and creating job opportunities, and otherwise making all our communities livable, are the only permanent ways to reduce crime. Come and hear Larry Krasner talk about his past accomplishments and future priorities for his next term as well as returning citizens who were impacted by the criminal law system.

You might wonder: Why is this a joint fundraiser?

This will be a tough race for Larry as the Democratic Party, like last time, is not endorsing him, and the FOP and their allies are going all out to defeat him. The funds directed to Larry will be available for all the expenses of his campaign. PNN will use its portion of the funds entirely on a robust Get Out The Vote campaign for Larry that will get under way very soon and that will surgically target likely voters in North and Northwest Philly. Working together, we can put Larry over the top in this historically low turnout election.

It’s important to note that our campaign will feature Larry and also promote a slate of impressive judicial candidates who can only win if Philly NN and other progressive organizations help raise their visibility. Aided by your contribution, this is what we plan to do, electing both Larry, and a slate of judges committed to the same progressive principles for which he stands.

Thanks so much in advance for joining the fight for a just and decent Philadelphia. We look forward to seeing you on April 13th!


Help Us Celebrate Earth Day!

Would you like to help educate Philadelphians about how to save the planet (and Philly)? If so, join the Neighborhood Networks Environment Outreach Working Group in some fun Earth Day activities.

Tabling: Come spend a couple of hours at a table the weekend before Earth Day – Saturday and Sunday, 4/17 and 4/18, 10 am to 4 pm, talking to people about simple steps toward a climate-healthy and equitable world. Two table locations will be set up, in Roxborough and Germantown, both next to public libraries. We’ll have two people at each table for two-hour shifts, with interesting displays and handouts.

Earth Art: We are also inviting people to create posters (do it with your children, or friends!) and put them in windows or hold them up for passing cars at a nearby street on Earth Day (April 22). Ideas for posters and slogans are at

For more info, & to volunteer for these events, contact us at


Reminder: Book Launch on April 10th

PNN Steering Committee member and poet Susan Windle announces publication of her book Through the Gates: The Second Omer Journey.

In the new book Susan is walking through her life in Northwest Philadelphia in the year 2017. PNN played an important role in Susan’s life that year, as it does now, and so shows up in the pages, along with some of the poems Susan has offered at PNN events.

On April 10 at 4 PM, Susan will honor Philly Neighborhood Networks in the second of two on-line book launch events and hopes to see many of you there! Please register here, if you can make it.


Join an Action Committee or Working Group

Committees meet to discuss the broad range of issues we should work on within a variety of categories, and our Working Groups develop specific campaigns to take on and develop plans. Take this opportunity to join any of our Action Committees and Working Groups as we begin to decide our work for the year.

Here are our scheduled meetings:

:: Energy Working Group Meeting, Sat, April 3, 4PM

We’ll decide the action we’ll take on supporting the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI), review the latest challenges to the fracking ban and the Governor’s new solar initiative. Get the Link

:: Environmental Outreach Working Group, Thurs, April 8th, 7PM

Come join our discussion of how to educate and involve the public in transitioning to clean energy and living sustainably. We will be arranging information tables at events, developing handouts, educational programs, and more! Get the Link

:: Waste Working Group Meeting, Sat., April 11th, 4:30PM

Join the Waste Group if you are concerned with waste issues in Philadelphia. We will begin planning a waste-focused forum and a plastic packaging boycott. Get the Link

:: Public Health & Environment Working Group, Mon, April 12th, 7PM

We’ll be planning to support the Environmental Justice Earth Day Action in Germantown at both Fernhill Park and the SEPTA Gas plant, working with allies Neighbors Against the Gas Plant and Toxic Free Philly. Get the Link

:: Economic Justice Action Committee, Thurs, April 15th, 7PM

Right now we’re working on the Public Banking campaign, as well as on creating a progressive revenue stream for the City, so that rich corporations like Comcast and the super-wealthy pay their fair share. Join us as we continue our discussion and hone in on actions we can take. Get the Link

Isn’t it Time You Joined an Action Committee?

Join an Action Committee for Economic Justice, Education, the Environment, Healthcare, Housing and Electoral Politics. To get started, email


This Week in History

April 3, 1948 – Marshall Plan. On this day, Harry S. Truman signed the Economic Assistance Act, designed by his Sec. of State George Marshall, which authorized a program to help Europe recover and rebuild after the devastation wrought by World War II.

April 4, 1968 – MLK Assassinated. 39 year old Civil Rights leader Martin Luther King, Jr. was fatally shot while standing outside his room at the Lorraine Motel in Memphis. He was in town to support a sanitation workers’ strike.

April 5, 1933 – FDR & CCC. On this day, FDR established the Civilian Conservation Corps, a federally funded organization that put thousands of Americans to work during the Great Depression on projects with environmental benefits.

Thanks for your activism!

Tim Brown, Organizing Director


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