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Demand a State Budget That Puts People First

Budget Update The budget situation in Pennsylvania is about to become dire. The General Fund goes into the red on September 15 and will mostly stay there for the rest of the year, which will likely lead to a 12% cut in non-mandatory expenditures. We’re looking at a $1 billion cut in basic education funding as well as cuts to mental health, disability and child care services and environmental protection.

Speaker Turzai and the extremists in the Republican House caucus for weeks have refused to bring the revenue bill to the floor of the House, and now we are in a dangerous financial position.

Demand that House Speaker Turzai to stop stalling the revenue negotiations. Tell your PA House Rep to put pressure on Turzai to pass a revenue bill. Click here for Speaker Turzai’s contact information.

Protect human services and education. Send this letter or call your legislator  to urge him/her to advocate for a budget that includes a recurring revenue stream and is completed on time to avoid unnecessary charges to taxpayers.  Check out this interactive spreadsheet to see how your community will be affected.

Protect clean air and water. Send a letter here or through PennEnvironment, or call your legislator to let your legislator know to prioritize the environment over corporate interests as part of the budget discussions.

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